Hiya thereHow are you doing? I’m fine, can’t wait for the weekend to begin! …
The title of this post means something like: “Universe, you beautiful thing!” Of course, I love the universe! I’m part of it! Actually, we all are parts of the universe, but I am in a special way, because my name is Luna, which means moon in Spanish and Italian!
I’ve always loved to look at the sky! I love the sunrise, the sunset and starry nights!
When I learned, at school, that there was an endless universe beyond the sky, full of stunning beauties, I got fascinated! Everything is so beautiful, perfect and mysterious! Huge spheres made of gas, like Jupiter, for example. It’s my favorite planet, by the way
. I love it so much that I’ve written a song for it, which is also one of my favorites! Huge spheres of flames like our beloved Sun, which will expand itself one day, taking almost all the Solar System with it and becoming a light spot, like so many other stars
. Some astronomers see the universe like a bunch of numbers. To me, the universe is poetry. It’s full of stories. Some planets, stars and constellations are related to mythological stories. I don’t wonder if there are extraterrestrial creatures somewhere. I prefer to leave them alone. I wouldn’t like to participate in a space trip. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut just because every kid wanted it too. I’m a contemplative. Thanks to the advance of science I can see how beautiful the universe is! … Today I honestly didn’t know what to post. But, reading the news, I found this:
Manatee Nebula:
Isn’t it BEAUTIFUL?! I found the picture in an album about galaxies and stuff on UOL (Universo Online). According to the informations I read:
Ela [W50] também é conhecida como Nebulosa Peixe-Boi por suas semelhanças com o mamífero do nosso planeta. Tanto a nebulosa quanto o animal são difíceis de serem encontrados - os astrônomos usam um telescópio que detecta a radiação emitida pela nuvem de gás e poeira; enquanto os biólogos buscam bolhas de ar nas águas turvas para rastrear o animal -, além de os dois demorarem para nascer - no espaço, a nebulosa levou mais de dez mil anos para ter esse formato; enquanto os peixes-bois têm uma gestação que leva de 12 a 14 meses.
She [W50] is also known as Manatee Nebula due to her similarities with the mammal of our planet. Both the nebula as the animal are hard to find – the astronomers use a telescope that detects the radiation emitted by the cloud of gas and dust, while the biologists look for bubbles in the dark waters to track the animal – besides, them both take time to be born – in space, the nebula took more than ten thousand years to acquire this format, while the manatees have a pregnancy of 12 to 14 months.
Link for the album: http://noticias.uol.com.br/ciencia/album/2013/01/31/galaxias-estrelas-e-nebulosas-ganham-nomes-inspirados-na-terra.htm
I’m in loveManatees are also super cute! The universe has so many beautiful things! I had to share this picture with you! I’ll also share a song, called Orion. This is originally a Metallica song, but I’ve chosen the version by the Mexican acoustic guitarists Rodrigo y Gabriela, because it’s just awesome! More than a song: a music trip! Light an incense, close your eyes and enjoy! Orion is also a constellation.
That’s all for today, folks! Stay tuned. Tomorrow I’m planning to talk about the huge depression that’s taking every student’s souls in Brazil, due to the back to school! *lol*
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