domingo, 27 de janeiro de 2013

Imprevistos …


Guess what? I’m busy . Baking breads and writing a post at the same time. Weekends are complicated … But I’m not complaining. I promised to write something on the weekend and here I am!

My idea was to keep writing about my beloved city. I need to write another post about São Paulo. But unexpected things happened. I would like to say a few words about something bad that happened in my country today. More than two hundred people died in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul (a southern state), at a disco called Kiss, due to a fire that could be avoided. It was something so terrible that even our president, Dilma Rousseff, went to Santa Maria, to visit the families of the victims! According to the news I read, the fire started while a band were performing a pyrotechnic show. A witness said that the vocalist of the band tried to stop the fire with the fire extinguisher, but the fire extinguisher didn’t work. The disco had only one emergency exit, next to the VIP area (it means that the VIP people could save their lives) and one front door. The club could hold two thousand people. The club didn’t have a business licence since August, 2012. More than two hundred people died due to the lack of responsibility of the owner (or owners) of the disco! They died due to something called neglect. Hundreds of survivors are at the local hospitals and many of them will have lung complications, because they breathed smoke for a long time! … How long will I live in a world (it doesn’t happen only in Brazil), where hundreds of lives mean nothing?! Sorry, it wasn’t an accident! Today, while I’m writing this post, baking breads and enjoying the company of my brother and friends, families are crying, because they have lost their beloved ones due to the irresponsability of a few people. Everybody is talking about the tragedy and I’m sure that many people (including politicians) will try to promote themselves thanks to the death of innocent people. As ever. Of course I’m not feeling completely fine, today! Is it possible? Maybe, if I was selfish. That’s what selfish people say about people like me: “You’re hypocrite and demagog!” No, I’m not. I really care about life! I’m vegetarian because I care about life. I’m a type of environmentalist because I care about life. Yes, I am sad! And angry. Sadness doesn’t change reality! How long will I live in a world where people don’t protect life and avoid accidents, tragedies, wars and stuff? “The fire extinguished didn’t work?!”, oh give me a fucking break! …

More than two hundred lives are lost. The survivors tell creepy stories about people being pushed, trampled, because in extreme situations, the most of people show their worst side, unfortunately. My brother has just told me that some of his classmates are making jokes about what happened, by WhatsApp. They say that the media is talking about what happened just because it was a “fancy disco”. I know that the readers of this blog are nice people. So, you know that it’s disgusting to make jokes and say bullshit about the death of innocent people, right?! I really hope so! You know, I don’t care if the tragedy happened at a fancy disco or in a favela, if the victims are white, black, asian, mixed! More than two hundred human beings died due to neglect! This is enough! What a lack of empathy! Yes, many people will explore the situation. The media will look for creepy stories. The politicians will pretend that they are super sad and concern. So what?! Does it change what happened? But I think that those jokes show how life means nothing, to so many people! It’s a pity! People accept tragedies like this. Sorry, this is unacceptable! I know I can’t change what happened. But, I’m sharing this with you. I hope you do what you can, if you have the chance to protect or save a life! Just care! Just understand that we should be unite, no matter how do we look like, where are we from, what do we do, how money do we have! If the owners of that club cared about life (sorry, they cared about money), they would build up a decent building, with more that one emergency exit and more than one fire extinguisher. Some tragedies can be avoided. But, in this selfish world, who cares about the others? I hope you care, dear reader! Life is something sacred! If you have the chance to protect life, do it! And, please, open your mind and heart to the others! The pain of the families who have lost their beloved ones, could be mine. I have a brother, I have a family and friends and I would feel destroyed if something happened to them! But I don’t need to think about it, to feel empathy. Life is life. Life is a miracle. I’m tired to see people treating life as rubbish!

Listen to this song carefully! Sorry if I wasn’t funny today. Sometimes I can’t. Stay tuned. Have a nice week!

Queen – The Miracle:

That time will come

One day you’ll see

When we can all be friends



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