Hello! Did you miss me? Of course you did . I’m sorry for my absence! Sometimes I need a little bit of time for myself. To update my diary, for instance. Yes, I write a diary. Is it too old-fashioned? Is it something for girls only? (Let me know, boys!) When I was a teen, it was common among Brazilian girls to write not exactly a diary, but an schedule. We used the schedules to register personal experiences, thoughts and feelings and fill them up with pictures, stickers, little gifts from friends, tickets from music concerts, movie sessions and so on! Almost everything could end up inside of a schedule! In the middle of the year, they were so heavy and full of stuff that it was hard to write on them! *lol* Of course I’m talking about the object called schedule (agenda, in Portuguese. Yes, in Portuguese, the word agenda doesn’t have a creepy meaning …), like this one:
Unfortunately, I don’t have my old schedules anymore . I have one I made (we used to “make schedules” because it wasn’t only about writing, but also about decorating them!) a couple of years ago. I need to find it and take some pics, so, you’ll understand better what is (or was) a Brazilian schedule. Today I’m having the impression that my English is sounding terrible!
Sorry! … I know I promised to show you some pics a couple of days ago and still didn’t do it, but I want my brother to put some watermaks on them, before
. Hey! I’m working to make this blog cute!
Sooo … I actually have an old schedule, but it’s different from the ones I “made” in my teenage, Especially because the life experiences are different nowadays. I’m graduated from university, so, I don’t go to school anymore, I don’t spend hours on the telephone chatting with my friends (daddy used to feel so happy about it … *lol*) and don’t take strolls on the shopping center every Saturday anymore. Anyway, schedules are cool, a cool place to register brief moments. We didn’t use them only to write our duties, like average adults do. They were a type of a diary. Some boys used to steal schedules for a while, to discover secrets, so, we had to create some code systems to protect our intimacy! It’s funny to talk about those things nowadays, because … this is the Facebook age! I really like technology and think that internet is a very nice and helpful tool. But people expose themselves so much on Facebook, that it’s hard to talk about privacy, intimacy, secrets, mysteries. I honestly don’t know if teens write something nowadays, they probably type everything. Schedules and diaries are old-fashioned in Brazil. Teens type their whole life on Twitter and Facebook and expose their intimacy on Instagram. When I was a teen, only a few people had internet connection at home, in Brazil, and I’m talking about middle-class people! So, we had different ways to express ourselves. We got anxious in the end of the year, because we wanted to buy a new schedule! Girls used to carry their schedules everywhere, protecting them. I loved mine! It was a part of me. I like my blogs, I like internet, but sometimes I feel that this new generation is missing something. They are missing themselves. Because everything they do is public. When I was a teen, I could escape from school and meet my boyfriend, for instance, first because nobody would find me (no smartphones, babe). Second, because I wouldn’t feel the need to tell everyone by Twitter, Facebook, etc., that I was with my boyfriend (“I ran away from the Math lesson … ha ha!”)! If someone wanted to know my secrets, he or she had to steal my schedule or diary. Nowadays, the whole world knows what people do, through Facebook! Sometimes I feel that we all are living in a type of Big Brother. Who’s watching us? that’s the question!
All this conversation about schedules, made me want to make a new one! It’s a little late to buy a schedule, but let’s see what I can do …
Nowadays I write a diary. Diaries are different. You basically write on them, right?! I started to write a diary when I was 23 years old, I guess (no, I’m not 23 anymore). I just felt the need to write and be completely honest about everything. I strongly recommend you guys to write a diary or something like that (if you like to write, of course)! It’s amazing! You learn to know yourself and recognize your moods and states of mind. Then, it’s funny to read everything again after a while! Diaries are also about privacy and intimacy. I’m the type of person who NEEDS to be alone sometimes. I need my own universe. I think it’s healthy to have one. I need to write on my diary and be quiet sometimes. That’s why I disappeared for a brief moment. Just needed to be with myself. It’s the only company I have 24 hours a day. And it happens to you too, dear reader. By the way, have you been taking care of yourself?
Stay tuned! Other posts will come! Thanks for your visit!
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