quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2013

Woman at work.


Dear readers,

(Where are my blinkies and gifs? Hold on a sec …)

Dear readers,

(I’m talking to my brother by WhatsApp. Hold on a sec …)

Dear readers,

(Have you ever wrote a post on your blog, edited pictures, talked to your family and friends by some instant messenger, wrote emails, thought about the dinner and everything you must do, at the same time? By the way … do we have all the ingredientes for the risotto? Hold on a sec …)

Dear readers,

(Nature call. Hold on a sec …)

Dear readers,

Due to unavoidable situations of natural and/or supernatural causes, the responsible for this cute, healthy, interesting, awesome and humble space of entertainment, advises that she’s doing her best to edit by herself (because her brother is an extremely cruel and insensitive person) some pictures and write an article about the amazing events which will take place in her beloved city tomorrow. She didn’t stop until now and will probably collapse at night, but, if she survives (cross fingers, please), you’ll have nice posts to read for the weekend!

Stay tuned. And hold on a sec.


P.S.: Pay attention at this gif and follow Hello Kitty’s movements. Yes, this is a joke, but you will do it. You can’t resist. I’m not responsible for eventual headaches:

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