quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2013

Money, lack of money, debt and priorities.

** Warning: This is a serious writing. So, you won’t see many gifs and blinkies! But, don’t worry! Other posts full of gifs and blinkies will come! **

I don’t use to pay attention at what happens to celebrities. Actually, I don’t give a damn about celebrities. But, sometimes a news catches my attention. Yesterday, I was about to check my mailbox and read something interesting about a Brazilian pagode singer, called Belo (this is not his real name and many people make jokes about it, because belo means handsome and he is not exactly good looking … Take a look at Google Images!). Pagode is a subgenre of samba, I’ll give you proper explanations about it in the future. To be honest, I don’t know if Belo is still a pagode singer. We had a “pagode fever” in Brazil in the 90’s and he was the vocalist of a famous band, called Soweto. Then, the band broke up and he decided to go solo. He was relatively famous as a solo singer for a couple of years, but his real fame came from happenings related to his private life, which include friendships with drug traders, a brief stay in prison and his relationships with Carnival celebrities, like Viviane Araújo and Gracyane Barbosa, his current wife. So, Belo is a real Brazilian celebrity! Or what we call subcelebridade (something like undercelebrity): a person who appears in the media not thanks to his or her talents, skills or something like that, but thanks to … an eccentric life? Belo, in my opinion, is terrible as a singer and his repertory is even more terrible (yeah, I’m meanie today! …). I feel depressed when I listen to his voice … *lol* But, he’s great as a subcelebridade! People want scandals! And he has a lot to offer, babe!

Yesterday, I knew that he has so many debts that he and his wife will be probably obligated to leave their mansion. He has so many debts that he didn’t pay some people who worked for him. He has so many debts that maybe he will end up in jail. Again! Oh, c’mon Luna, is it interesting? – some of you may ask. Yes, this is very interesting, my dear reader! It’s all about human behaviour! There are two common attitudes in this case:

  1. People lose their minds when they have some money. Especially if we are talking about celebrities, who live to expose a fantasy about themselves! What you see on tv, is absolutely fake in the most of cases! Celebrities don’t have exactly a job, so, if they don’t have a contract with some business people, they have no money! Many things you see on tv or magazines are rented and borrowed. Celebrities have money while they are interesting for the business people. And, well, it doesn’t happen all the time.
  2. People want to be who they are not. Before all these news about Belo’s debts, he and Gracyane got married in style and had a veeery expensive party, payed with bad checks! Cool, don’t you think?! I wonder how many things did they buy without conditions just to seem who they are not! This is serious!

Are you satisfied with your life, dear reader? I don’t know all of you, but the most of you are probably middle-class people, like me (Is there a millionaire in the house? I accept donations!!!!). A lot of middle class people here in São Paulo complain about their lives, because they wanted to be rich, exactly like the celebrities (many people who appear in the media are not rich, as I told you before)! There’s even a reality show in Brazil nowadays, called Mulheres Ricas (Rich Women), about the amazing routine of a bunch of rich women who not even know the meaning of the word education and like to spend loads of money, while so many people here starve, including babies and little kids! We live in a society where deep inequalities are accepted. Rich women can spend thousands of dollars in a pair of shoes (believe me, it happens!), while thousands of people have not even food, let alone a pair of shoes! The richness of the wealthy ones not exactly means the result of hard work. If a few people are millionaire, millions of people are miserable. If a few people have much more than they need and even want to live well, it means that a lot of people live under the poverty line! Period. Almost everyday, I hear someone complaining about life, jealous of the rich ones. But, you know what? I wouldn’t like to be rich. I wouldn’t like to be obligated to have an expensive lifestyle to justify my condition. I like to be a middle-class girl. Sometimes, I take a few months to buy something I want, but I feel fine. I don’t need to wear expensive clothes and jewels to justify my condition. I can knit my clothes and accessories. I can walk on the streets without a bunch of security men behind me. I don’t need to fear the poor people because all my tresures are ridiculous in comparison with all the sign of status of the wealthy ones. I’m not a celebrity. I don’t live in a mansion. I have true friends, who were by my side when I was living hard moments. I don’t want to have a lot of expensive things. And don’t need to make debts to seem someone I am not. Belo’s attitude is actually very very common. A lot of people, who have money enough to live, are ashamed of their condition, because they are not rich and powerful. So, they lie and spend the money they don’t have. This is sad … 

We are who we are, not what we have. My priority in life is to be happy. Money comes and goes. Many people believe that money can buy everything. Nope. Wealthy people are more respected and good treated. While they have money. Everything is fake. So, I prefer my little world. I wouldn’t like to struggle for life. It’s unfair that so many people need to struggle for life, because they are exploited. I can’t buy a private plane. I can’t wear a dress made of diamonds. I can’t travel to Norway right now. But I can be sure that my brother will give me a true hug when he comes back home from work. I can be sure that we have money enough to prepare a good dinner. I can be sure that I’ll have a good time. Nobody will obligate us to leave our home, because we can pay the rent. I think I won’t be the cover of a magazine, in front of a castle, with a glass of champagne in my hand. But I can live with that …Alegre




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