Olá! Bom dia! Tudo bem? I’m sorry for my absence yesterday, but my brother had a day off from work and we spent the whole day together. We’re best friends. I know this is unusual, but there’s nothing “usual” about me and my life! *lol* It’s finally raining outside (thanks God!) and I feel a cool breeze! Sometimes the day is cloudy, but still very hot. That’s what we call “mormaço”, in Portuguese. It happened today, early in the morning. I knew it would rain, but didn’t expect it would happen so soon! I really like rainy days!
It’s relaxing to “listen to the rhythm of the falling rain” (this is part of an ancient love song – it sounds like a lullaby, actually –, by The Cascades, called “Rhythm of the Rain”. Check it out on YouTube!), I like to “smell the rain” (not exactly the rain, because rain is water, but when it wets the ground, there’s a special smell in the air!) and walk in the rain. Madonna is right when she sings “ … rain / wash away my sorrow / take away my pain”! The rain has the power to clean up everything! It also fertilizes the soil. If the Summer rains have tragic consequences in Brazil, it’s not their fault. It’s a very complex issue and I don’t want to talk about it right now, but the most of people should stop to throw trash on rivers and streets, for instance. I’m sure the floods would be less tragic! It’s easy to blame the rain, but we all are responsible for the environment! By the way, how do you deal with the trash you produce at home, dear reader? Does your family produce a lot of trash? If so, too bad, too bad! … It’s funny because people talk about “recycle, reduce, reuse”, but they pay too much attention at the “recycle” part and forget the rest. “Reduce”, in my opinion is a thousand times more important! Produce less trash. Consume less. Recycling is a cute attitude, but the planet can’t stand to be so exploited anymore. The Earth resources aren’t endless! So, consume less, produce less trash and, of course, recycle and reuse! We are having problems in São Paulo, at present, because some recycling companies are not collecting garbage on the neighbourhoods and there’s a lot of trash on the streets of the city! It’s terrible to depend on the government because of this: people have problems and don’t look for the solutions by themselves. They wait for some attitude from the goverment. “Yes!, you will say, because the government represents people, so, it’s a government obligation to hire the services of more recycling companies!” Do you really believe that the government represents us? Do you believe in Snow White, Santa Claus and Cinderella, too?
No, the government doesn’t represent us, no matter if it’s a right or left one. Here in Brazil, the most of people expect and demand everything from the government (I’m talkin about the poor ones; the vast majority of the population is still poor, despite of the social assistance from the government). The most of the middle class complains about the “corruption” (because they don’t like to pay taxes to finance social projects. Yes, they are selfish and don’t understand that the state services should be to all of us. So, they repeat that the government steals their money, on corruption scandals. But every time the government does something for the poor ones, using the money from the taxes, they complain too! Yes, my dear reader, the middle class has a problem!). The wealthy ones say nothing because the government does everything they want, so, they are super happy! … Things are complicated here in Brazil. Democracy is something relatively new here, so, the most of people still don’t understand that the government is only part of the society, not the whole society. We should do something too! Fortunately, due to internet and the social networks, many nice people are making the difference in Brazil! They are acting by themselves. That’s what I think people should do about the trash, here in São Paulo. Trash on the streets means floods! So … couldn’t they organize themselves to produce less trash and take the garbage to some recycling company? We don’t have this problem here in the neighbourhood, but we separate the recyclables and don’t produce a lot of trash (it’s quite the opposite). Me and my brother know some recycling companies, so, it would be easy to us to join some neighbours and find a place for the trash. The government will do nothing. People are denouncing this issue for months! I wouldn’t bear to see the streets full of trash! Especially because of the Summer rains! Rain + trash on the streets = floods!
When I opened my Windows Live Writer to write this post, I had no idea of what would be the subject! Sometimes it happens. But everytime it rains I feel happy and melancholic. Happy, because I love rainy days. They have their beauty. I like to photograph clouds and skies (I promise to show you some pics in the future) and the rainy skies are as beautiful as the sunny ones, but in a different way (of course). Diversity is a good thing! Many people say terrible things about the rain, because they can’t go out. Rainy days are an invitation to intimacy. Why don’t people do something at home? When I was a teen, I used to read a Brazilian magazine for teens called “Capricho”. They had a special Summer edition and I remember that there was an article on this Summer magazine about what to do on rainy days. Lots of ideas! Maybe I’ll write a post about “what to do on rainy days”. There’s nothing wrong about the rain! I feel melancholic because many people here blame the rain for the floods and landslides an this is unfair. The floods happen because of the government and because of the people, who produce a lot of trash and throw it everywhere, on rivers, on the streets! It’s a matter of education! There’s a lot of garbage on the streets and people complain, ok, they’re right, but, it doesn’t work. If they understood that they are responsible for what happens in this city, things would change! Imagine if people had their own ideas to solve their problems?! It would be a revolution! A peaceful one! We would govern together! And the governmen itself would be in trouble. Is it too hard to avoid to throw trash on the streets? People throw old couchs, refrigerators and stuff on the rivers! Is it correct? They don’t give a damn about nature, then nature shows that she’s done and people complain! I’m sorry, folks, this is a post to read and meditate about. It’s necessary sometimes. I’ll try to bring something funny to you tomottow, because we need to smile and laugh too. I’m just tired. Every single year I see the same things happening. The same lack of responsability. Landslides are terrible (more than 3 thousand people in Rio de Janeiro have lost their homes due to the landslides and floods! And it happens every single year!), but floods are easier to avoid. Here in São Paulo people are tired to know that all this trash on the streets will have bad consequences. And they’re still waiting for the government? Oh, boy … I need a cup of tea!
If people respected and loved nature, rainy days would be sweet. The rain would be like this song: beautiful! One of the best love songs ever, by the way.
That’s all for today. Stay tuned! Other posts will rain!
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