Hello people! How’s life?
Yesterday, I wasn’t feeling fine at all and spent the most of the time on my bed . In the evening, my brother brought me a puffy envelope and it really made my day: a penpal/swapper, from Italy, gave me some little gifts, including a felt case made by herself!
It’s sooo cute! ^^
I promise to post some pictures of it tomorrow! Awww! I love to have penpals and swappers because of this: it’s awesome to give and receive kindness! Everything you give to people, dear reader, all comes back to you! Now I need to make something cute to my penpal, too. Have I ever told you that I’m a crafty woman (if you’re one of my friends, you already know it, but …)? Yes, yes, I am. I’ve always been into art and crafts, but my interest in fashion grew exponentially in the past couple of years and I got fascinated with handmade clothes and accessories! If I could, I would learn every DIY technique related to fashion! But, unfortunately, my multimaiden skills have some limits. I’m not an x-woman (What a pity!). So, I decided to dedicate myself to knitting, sewing, friendship bracelets and crochet. I can also draw, paint, make origami and cards, so, I think I can have a little fun until the end of my life! *lol*
Still don’t know what to make to my penpal. Actually, I’ve already decided two of the gifts: a knitted headband and a friendship bracelet. But, I won’t post the pics of them tomorrow, because I don’t want to ruin the surprise!
Anyway, I promise to show you my crafts soon!
Ok, now let’s make some sense here and relate the writing with its title! The United Nations (UN) decided to dedicate the January 16 to the greatest band of all time: The Beatles! If you don’t know The Beatles, there are two possibilities:
- You are a kid or a teenager and your parents have a terrible music taste.
- You are an alien. If you are an alien, please, leave a comment! I would love to meet an alien!
Who doesn’t know The Beatles?! Some people call them os quatro rapazes de Liverpool (“the four boys from Liverpool”), in Brazil. Dad used to listen to The Beatles, so, I learned to love them since I was a little kid! When I was a teenager, I took ballroom dances lessons. The rockabilly and rock ones were particularly funny! And Twist and Shout, by the Beatles, was one of the greatest hits of the dance floor, at the gym!
I had a boyfriend who is probably a Beatles fan until today. He gave me three greatest hits albums, by them, a black and a white one (Past Masters Volume 1 and 2) and one with their # 1 hits (Beatles 1). We even had a song by The Beatles, in our soundtrack (couples have soundtracks, right?!), but I’m too shy to reveal it *lol* . I could reveal the soundtrack of the end of our relationship. But it’s too soon to mention Dire Straits. Memories, memories … I spent years listening to The Beatles, singing their songs and dancing all over the house! When I started to learn English (I’m still learning … *lol*), I learned a very funny song by them, I was 11 years old and still have the impression that they made Yellow Submarine for kids! My little cousins love it, the pupils I had love it, it’s impressive!
There’s something special about The Beatles. I’m not a fan (I would be a Queen fan, but I’m not either), but I thank daddy for giving me the chance to listen to their songs. I wonder if the kids nowadays listen to good music at home, if their parents listen to music with them. I have no kids, but share my music tastes with my little cousins. I’m not the type of (boring) person who repeats that “everything was better in the past”. But sometimes I have the impression that some things are getting worse. It’s quite sad to think that some teens (and even young people) are getting in touch with The Beatles songs through series like “Glee”! No, this is not good. People must listen to The Beatles, period, they have something to show, not a stupid tv series (sorry)! So, if you are a teen and don’t know much about this amazing band, search the web and you’ll find their songs and videos! Just enjoy! The Beatles deserve your time and attention!
The Beatles Day was yesterday, but I had to say something about it! They are part of my life! It’s always a pleasure to listent to their songs! Which is my favorite song, by The Beatles? Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.
I just love this song! I love to sing it! And it sounds nice in my voice, since people say that my voice is warm and melodic and makes them relax! This song is a little hypnotic and many people strongly believe that Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds is a reference to LSD, a very potent hallucinogen drug. I don’t know. It makes sense. Does it matter? This song is great! I love Let It Be, too:
I wonder if some artist today can be special like The Beatles. Again: I’m not being boring, I’m being honest! Their songs are not eternal, because anything lasts forever, but they belong to all of us, no matter how old are we. Long live The Beatles!
Café da Manhã:
To be honest, I don’t remember why did I decide to talk about breakfast (do I really need to say that café da manhã means breakfast, in Portuguese?). Maybe because I was having breakfast when I remembered that I needed to write a post, today. I use to say something about my culture, so … how is our breakfast? Well, if you’re new here, there’s something about this blogger you must know: I don’t believe in a world where everybody lives the same way, has the same lifestyle. It doesn’t exist. I believe in a political equality between human beings. So, men, women, homossexual, bissexual, transexual people, blacks, whites, asians, native americans, kids, teens, adults, old people must have the same rights and duties. As citizens, we all must be equal. But we as not equal as people. There’s every type of people in this world and they have different lifestyles. I’ll always repeat this, because there’s a lot of people who really believe that all Brazilians live the same way, for instance. And … well … I wouldn’t like to disappoint them, I swear, but, in this huge country some people throw food away while some others starve. And it happens in the place you live in, too, dear reader! People have different habits. For some, the breakfast is the most important meal of the day. For others, it doesn’t matter. So … welcome to this unbearably unpredictable world! I have no answers. I have stories to tell. And I’m here to tease you too. In Brazil, everything is possible. I really mean that! Sooo … there are similarities between the breakfast in the southeast of the country, especially São Paulo and Rio. The basic breakfast consists in pão francês com manteiga ou margarina e café com leite (French bread with butter or margarine and coffee with milk). This is the French bread, but I honestly don’t know if it’s really French. Baguette is a French bread. Well …
Despite all the differences in Brazil, the French bread is a type of cultural heritage to all of us! It’s crunchy outside and smooth inside. There’s nothing better than a hot French bread with butter or margarine! People still love hot French bread here! It’s a joy when we can buy those recently taken out of the oven! This is the Brazilian bread for excellence. We have many others, but this is traditionally Brazilian. I don’t eat French bread often (lots of calories), but it’s good to do it sometimes! Some people, on breakfast, add cheese and ham to the bread.
Coffee is the Brazilian drink for excellence and we mix it with milk. I shouldn’t say “we”. I don’t do it. I don’t drink milk. Only soy milk and oat milk. But, the most of people (who can do it, of course) drink coffee and milk. We even have a drink in Brazil, sold in bakeries called média (half glass of milk, half glass of coffee). Some people still have breakfast in bakeries, here in São Paulo.
We also eat fruits (especially papaya), cereals, yoghurt, cookies. Here at home, we drink vitamina. It’s a mix of soy drink (in our case), fruits and cereals, very nutritious an healthy! The breakfast depends on the preferences or possibilities of who eats it, in Brazil. But at least in the southeast, the combination pão francês com manteiga ou margarina e café com leite is still very very popular!
Tarsila do Amaral:
And, finally, Tarsila, my favorite Brazilian artist. I read the news today, as ever, and knew that Tarsila died on January 17, 1973, exactly 40 years ago. She was born on September, 1st, 1886, in Capivari (São Paulo’s countryside). She is the most important artist of the Brazilian modernism and her artworks are very colorful and represent faces of our culture. I’ve been in several art exhibitions of her artworks, here in São Paulo and never get tired to see them! Just want to share some of her pictures with you guys:
ABAPORU (Her most famous artwork):
O PESCADOR (My favorite one. I love the colors!):
MANTEAU ROUGE (Self portrait):
That’s all for today, folks! Stay tuned. Other posts will come! Thank you for your visit!
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