sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2013

Bom fim de semana!

Here I am! How are you doing?

Just want to share something with you guys. I’m busy today. This is a beautiful Brazilian song, by a band called “Os Paralamas do Sucesso”. They’re from Rio de Janeiro, great musicians, icons of the 80’s and 90’s in Brazil. For the ones who still don’t know it, music means a lot to me and every special (or sad) moment of my life has a soundtreck. “Busca Vida” (that’s the name of the song) reminds me my teenage. I was exactly 16, studying to be an elementary teacher and travelling with my friends and classmates to the beach (Bertioga). It was a tour of school, we all were wearing our uniform (grey hoodie, grey pants, grey tee). We took a stroll at the beach and decided to enter the sea in uniform! We just wanted to enjoy that moment. The beach was empty, the sky was beautiful and we were noisy teens, full of life, wanting to have a good time! Our teachers let us enter the sea and it was amazing! It happened on July, during the Brazilian Winter, but the sun was shining. We returned to the bus wet and travelled back home standing, but felt happy and free! I remember that I thought at that moment, that “Busca Vida” would be the perfect soundtrack for the “adventure”! We were teens, beautiful, full of life, idealists! We wanted to change the world Alegre. And we didn’t use to lose opportunities to have fun. I know that even if I try to enter the sea dressed today, it won’t be the same. I don’t know if you can understand me. Teenagers believe they can do everything, so, every experience is an amazing adventure! I had to enter the sea in uniform, when I was 16, to show to the world how free was I, at that moment! This silly and naive rebellion is beautiful and I love the teens who can be silly and naive! I remember that our teachers looked at us and smiled, thinking that we were grown kids, playing in the water. It was a magical moment! And “Busca Vida” is a song about that: freedom! The real one. Freedom that comes from our heart, when we do what we really want to do! I dedicate that song to the teenager I was, to my friends, classmates and teacher and to you, dear reader! The world belong to the ones who can walk in the sky!

** Have a nice weekend! **

Stay tuned. Other posts will come!

Busca Vida
(Os Paralamas do Sucesso)

Vou sair pra ver o céu
Vou me perder entre as estrelas
Ver daonde nasce o sol
Como se guiam os cometas pelo espaço
E os meus passos
Nunca mais serão iguais

Se for mais veloz que a luz
Então escapo da tristeza
Deixo toda dor pra trás
Perdida num planeta abandonado
No espaço
E volto sem olhar pra trás

No escuro do céu
Mais longe que o sol

Perdido num planeta abandonado
No espaço

Ele ganhou dinheiro
Ele assinou contratos
E comprou um terno
Trocou o carro
E desaprendeu a caminhar no céu
E foi o princípio do fim

Se for mais veloz que a luz
Então escapo da tristeza
Deixo toda dor pra trás
Perdida num planeta abandonado
No espaço
E volto sem olhar pra trás

Search Life (** I believe that this title is made of two independent words: busca (search) and vida (life) **)

I will go out to see the sky
I will get lost among the stars
See where does the sun comes from
How do the comets guide themselves through space
And my steps
Will never be the same

If (I) be faster than light
Then I will escape from sadness
I let all the pain behind
Lost in an abandoned planet
In space
And go back without looking back

In the dark of the sky
Farther than the sun

Lost in an abandoned planet
In space

He made money
He sign contracts
And bought a tuxedo
Traded the car
And unlerned to walk in the sky
And it was the beginning of the end

If (I) be faster than light
Then I will escape from sadness
I let all the pain behind
Lost in an abandoned planet
In space
And go back without looking back

This is not a completely literal translation (they don’t exist), but I liked the result *lol*. I always try to show the essence of the writings or lyrics. But this is an almost literal translation! Here’s the video, not a high quality one (sorry!), but I didn’t find a better one on YouTube. It’s based on “The Little Prince”, by Antoine de Saint Exupéry (one of my favorite books!). Enjoy!




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