sexta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2013


Yes, Friday, my dear readers (by the way: Hi! How are you? Hope fine. I’m fine! Alegre)! People in the United States say: “Thanks God, it’s Friday!” Or “TGIF” if they don’t want to waste so much time. We don’t say: “Graças a Deus, é sexta-feira!” But feel grateful, too, I guess. I’m happy because I don’t need to work on the weekend. Many people in Brazil work, during the weekend! When I go to the movies with my brother and friends, for instance, there are people working there. They are not having fun. So … the weekends are special to the ones who don’t need to work. Or study. It doesn’t seem, but this is a Philosophical thought! I wish everybody could enjoy two days of rest and fun! I took a look at the news today and many people from Rio de Janeiro won’t have a good time this weekend. Not because they need to work, but because they have lost everything they had due to the consequences of the intense Summer rains. Actually, it’s totally unfair to blaim the intense Summer rains! I honestly love rainy days, they’re an invitation to silence, meditation and intimacy! Especially because I didn’t have to build up my house in a risky area, where floods and landslides happen often. There’s a huge social unequality in Brazil and lots of people live in risky areas without any help from the government. Every single Summer the tragedy happens, but not because of the weather! That’s the way the Brazilian Summer works (at least here, in the Southeast): it’s extremely, unbearably hot during the day and it rains in the evening. The rains are brief, but very intense. Floods and landslides always happen, and some of them have tragic consequences! People lose everything they had and some others die. The problem is that the victims are always the same: the poor ones! The politicians, during the elections, promise to the poor people that they will solve the problem of the floods and landslides. But it never happens. I read news about people, in Rio de Janeiro, who are just helping the victims, the way they can, without any help from the government. I honestly admire them! Empathy is a nice thing.

So, yes, I feel fine because it’s Friday. But don’t forget that I belong to a group of “priviledged people”, who can enjoy the weekend. I don’t need to work or try to save my goods from the dirty water, that’s invading my house. Of course, there are people on the top of the social pyramid who have a thousand times more possibilities than I have. But I honestly don’t envy them. Unfortunately, we live in a world where money and power mean everything. So, poor people envy middle class people who envy wealthy people. People don’t see how much they already have, don’t enjoy their goods, don’t appreciate the small things. People feel better or superior because they have the newest gadget. And don’t give a damn about the others. So, “it’s weekend, hurray! I’ll be with my brother and friends, write emails and letters, listen to music, play computer games, watch movies, enjoy my hobbies! I’ll consume! I’ll have fun while people are working hard in bad paid jobs or struggling to survive somewhere! Who cares?! They are losers!” That’s what the powerful ones want you to think, dear reader! They want you to be selfish, insensitive, competitive and boring, the type of person who has enough to live well, but keep complaining.

I don’t thank God just because it’s Friday, but because I can enjoy the weekend. But, I can do it while a million people can’t. I think it’s fair that a person works during the weekend, if he/she has two days to rest and have fun, during the week, but it rarely happens. Some people are exploited. Some people not even have a job. Those people from Rio de Janeiro not even have a home, anymore. If some people can laugh while some people cry all the time, there’s something wrong about this world, don’t you think? And “it is what it is” is not a good explanation! Weekends are perfect occasions to people to exaggerate (the ones who can do it, of course). So, they drink a lot, eat a lot, consume a lot. Is it funny? Is it fair? Do you really believe that “you deserve it”, because “you work hard”? Some people work harder and they will never have the chance to exaggerate! We all have the right to have fun. And the obligation to think about the rest of the world!

Yes, I will have fun and enjoy my possibilities. Yesterday was my brother’s birthday, so, we’ll celebrate. But my mind is awake and my heart is open. Weekends are not equal to everybody. Life is not the same for everybody. Are you willing to think about how priviledged you are, dear reader? Are you willing to meditate about everything you have? Do you really need all of this? Do you care about other people? If I can say something to you guys, it’s “keep your life simple, your mind awake and your heart open”! And have a nice weekend!

This is on of my favorite songs of all time! Queen is a great band and this song expresses what I feel about this world. Enjoy!

Stay tuned. Other posts will come! I’ll take it easy on the weekend, I promise … *lol*


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