There’s nothing like a new year to give you motivation to start something! I’ve always wanted to write a blog in English. And feel that this is the moment. “Nice to meet you!”, that’s what the title of this first post means, in Portuguese, my language. It’s a sentence in the plural, I’m talking to all of you! Welcome to my world!I’m Luna, a person who can be described in only one word: unique. Yes, I love many things and have many tastes, hobbies and interests, but if you like to use stereotypes to classify people (Do you really classify people, based on stereotypes?), I’m not your girl. I believe life is an unique oportunity, a fascinating jorney, a road to … who knows? The only thing I know is that I won’t live forever, so, I avoid to waste my time trying to prove to people how right I am about a subject. I’m not sure if I’m right or not. I like to discuss, not to fight. I have my beliefs, respect my feelings, look for knowledge and wisdom and that’s all. I’m a writer and an artist, but it doesn’t mean that I breathe literature and art all the time. I’m a girl you can find on the streets, talking to people, no matter how do they look like, where are they from and other meaningless data. Of course, I discriminate people, too. Racist, homophobic, intolerant people are not welcome to my life. People who want to impose their beliefs to others, people who need to hate and look for enemies, because can’t take responsabilities and deal with their frustrations are not welcome to my life. People who complain all the time, either. Why complain? Life won’t change because you’re complaining, it’ll only get worse! I focus on the positive side of life. I get sad and angry, but this is not me. I believe in peace, love (maybe I’m a hippie?), understanding and joy! This blog is about life in general, with its ups and downs. But I choose the light side of life! I’m here to share my tastes, interests, hobbies, experiences, discoveries. I live in São Paulo, Brazil, so, I’m also here to talk about my city, country and culture. I have foreign friends and realized that people abroad don’t know much about Brazil and have no access to Brazilian music, movies and stuff. So, I won’t play the tour guide, but want to contribute somehow to spread the (good side of) Brazilian culture all over the world (What a beautiful mission, don’t you think?!
). I plan to update my blog daily and hope you don’t get tired of me! *lol* I’m here to have fun, share positive things and vibrations, make good friends and enjoy! If you feel I’m a super cool person and want to say something NICE to me, please send me an email! Comments are open to everybody (except “anonymous”), BUT, they’re all under moderation and of course I won’t accept any type of offensive comment! Let’s build up a nice, joyful and harmonic place to all of us, please!
This blog is permanently under construction and the subjects will vary. But, I’ll talk mainly about what makes my life a funny experience: music, fashion, culture, video/computer/internet games, cartoons, comics, photography, art, nature, travelling, knitting, handmade clothes and accessories, DIY stuff, movies, videos, my relationship with dance (I love to dance!), my sweet memories and daily life.
So, that’s it. A brief inroduction about the blog and the girl behind it. Thanks for your visit! Stay tuned. Other posts will come!
Tudo de bom!
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