terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2013

O fim está próximo!

** Warning: this writing contains sarcasm. **

Hiya people!

It seems that we survived, because nothing happened on December 21, 2011. But, some Brazilian phenomena make me think that “the end is near” (that’s what the title of this post means, in Portuguese). It will be slow and painful. No meteor storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and stuff. Of course, nature is tired to be bad treated and exploited, but the end will come from television! Still don’t know how, but, keep that in mind: “the end will come from television”!

Today will start, in my country, the “Big Brother Brasil”, also known as “BBB”. It will be the 13th edition of the reality show, in Brazil! I said THE 13th EDITION! A lot of people will waste their precious time following the routine of a bunch of 16 people, chosen among the most stupid human beings of this planet, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the 13th time!!!!


Link of the pic: http://www.bumbando.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/bbb-13.jpg 

You are familiar with “Big Brother”, aren’t you, dear reader? You know what am I talking about. No? Are you an alien? 

“Big Brother” is everywhere. It’s like the air that you breathe, but worse, much more polluted! You hear about it even if you don’t want it. You read the news on internet and the first headlines are about “Big Brother”! I’m sure that this reality show is, actually, a weapon of mass destruction! According to wiki, the idea came from the Netherlands, from a company called “Endemol”. Still according to wiki:

Big Brother is a reality game show franchise created by John de Mol. The premise of the show is that a group of people live together in a large house, isolated from the outside world. They are continuously watched by television cameras. Each series lasts for around three months, with 12–16 contestants entering the house. To win the final cash prize, all the contestants have to do is survive periodic evictions and be the last one standing.”

You can find the whole article here.

Reality shows are common all over the world for years. People exhibit their routine and this is a huge success. But “Big Brother” is different. The 16 contestants do nothing in the most of the time! I not even have a television and only watched the 1st edition of “BBB”, on 2002. It was something completely new and I got curious! When I realized that it was all about people in swimsuit fighting and having stupid conversations, I gave up on watching! It’s interesting to mention that all the girls who participate in “BBB” end up on the pages of men’s magazines and I’m talking about Playboy, Hustler, etc. I have nothing against the female beauty. People say I’m pretty. But I would like to see women playing other roles in life, for a change. Average people rarely participate in “BBB”. We call the contestants “subcelebridades” (something like “undercelebrities”), because they try to be part of the mainstream (and some of them are, at least, good looking), but have no talent at all! When the reality show ends, they rarely get a job on TV or something like that. It’s funny and sad, at the same time, because they accept to have their lives exposed 24/7 for months, believing that they will be famous afterwards, but it doesn’t happen. They become “subcelebridades”, constantly ridiculed by people! Gee! This society is cruel! …

You have no idea of how successful “Big Brother” is, in Brazil! As I told you before, you can’t escape from it, even if you try. The first headlines on internet, are about “BBB”! You go to the supermarket (drugstore, bakery, hospital, shopping center or even to hell) and people are talking about it. There are many people, like me, my brother and friends who don’t watch or like “Big Brother”, but we are a minority! And, this time, only 8 of the 16 contestants were chosen. There are contestants inside of a house, made of glass, inside of a shopping center, in São Paulo. Let me explain it better: some people who want to join the “BBB team” are inside of a house, made of glass (it looks like a box), inside of a shopping center. Here’s a pic:


I found this picture on UOL (Universo Online), here’s the link:


And if you want to see an album with the contestants, click here.

Only two people, chosen by the public, will join the “BBB team”, so, the contestants spend the whole day being watched by people and trying to convince the public to choose them. It’s a mix of zoo and circus! They are human beings. Living inside of a box, to catch people’s attention! Inside of a shopping center! Isn’t it grotesque? I mean, what’s happening to humanity? What’s this? A human zoo? And the most of people (including the contestants) think this is nice, cool, funny! I said to you: “the end will come from television”!

This 13th edition is full of mysteries (that’s what the producers do, when they need audience). But the end will be the same: 16 stupid people in swimsuit fighting and having stupid conversations, participating in silly contests, getting drunk at parties and being eliminated by the public until only one remains and wins the prize (R$ 1,5 milhões, maybe more). Even some Brazilian journalists who write about “Big Brother” say that! They are tired of it. But it seems the public wants more …

I always think that this is very ironic. “Big Brother” is originally an entity, created by George Orwell, from his book “1984”, who watches people all the time. An entity from the government, an endless surveillance. Under the “Big Brother” domain, every single step of people is controlled. George Orwell was a great writer! If you still didn’t read “1984”, do it! People (at least in Brazil) are under the “Big Brother” domain somehow. They think they are free, but spend a lot of time in front of the television following the routine of a bunch of people who have nothing useful or pleasant to say or show! I like entertainment, too. Healthy entertainment. I am not stupid, don’t want to be treated like a stupid person! The TV companies call us stupid all the time! I don’t have a TV, but it makes no difference. I would never consume this rubbish. Then, my own routine is a thousand times more important!

Think about it, dear reader! Your life is precious! Stop caring about celebrities or reality shows, if you do it! Read this blog! *LOL* GargalhandoI’m serious: your life means a lot! These TV companies want to make you believe that a life of a bunch of jerks is more important than yours. And, well, it isn’t. Let’s do something good for our lives. Let’s give attention to the ones we love! Let’s have some healthy fun!

That’s all for now, folks! Stay tuned. Other posts will come!

Turn off the TV!


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