domingo, 3 de fevereiro de 2013

Still alive!

Hi people! How’s life?

I’m sorry for my absence! … I wasn’t feeling fine at all on Friday, so, I had no conditions to write a post! There’s a difference between my diary and this blog, if you know what I mean … Fortunately, I have the most lovely friends of this planet and my weekend was very nice! ^^ I know that it’s already Monday, for the most of the readers, but it’s still Sunday in Brazil. I have a lot of things to tell and share, so, stay tuned! This post is just a “Hello!”. I’ll be back tomorrow (I hope). Sometimes things don’t happen according to my plans, but I’m feeling fine, so, I’m almost sure that I’ll write a new and hopefully interesting/funny post tomorrow! I’ll try to do it early in the morning, but can’t promise anything, because … I’m always on the run!

Have a nice week! Thank you so much for your attention! And stay tuned. Other posts will come!

Cheers! ^^



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