Public restrooms in Brazil. What a great subject, don’t you think, my dear reader?! I swear: I would never write about public restrooms in Brazil, if I didn’t have a reason to do it! Actually, I’ve never paid attention at public restrooms. Of course, I’m a human being and, sometimes, nature calls, I need to answer and am not at home! But I’ve always used toilets of libraries, cultural centers, art galleries, shopping centers, urban parks, etc. Some of them are public because they belong to public buildings or places, but … you know what I mean. I’ve never used exactly a public toilet, restroom, Wanderley Cardoso, mictório (well, I would never use a mictório, I’m not a man!), etc.! I always carry a roll of toilet paper in my purse, just in case. It’s a matter of survival. I think I’m able to recommend some nice restrooms in São Paulo. The one of the city hall is far the best! Yes. Once I entered the city hall to pee (huahuahuahuahua!!!!) . Are you shocked? It wasn’t a goal or something, like I woke up that morning and decided: “Today, I’ll enter the city hall, go straightly to the toilet and pee!” I was in front of the city hall, nature called me and, well, I had to answer. I can tell this story to my grandchildren! An amazing toilet, I strongly recommend it!
If you come to São Paulo, go there and pee, my dear reader! It will be an unforgettable experience! (he he he he he …)
Sooo … I’ve never used exactly a public restroom. They exist, though. And their fame is not very good. People say they’re very dirty. Why the hell did I decide to write about this fascinating subject? Because I read a news, today, about the new great tour spot in Rio de Janeiro: a public restroom in the middle of the sidewalk! The idea came from the city hall! Isn’t it great?! You can see that there’s a connection between city halls and restrooms! (Yeah, I am terrible today! *lol*) Ladies and gents, it’s a pleasure (well, I’m not very sure about that) to introduce you UFA! (Unidade Fornecedora de Alívio – Relief Provider Unity – no, I’m not kidding!), a public restroom in the middle of the sidewalk, at Central do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro):
(If you pay attention at the restroom, you’ll see that the F of UFA looks like a man and this man is … pissing! This is absolutely infamous! But the worst is yet to come!)
The beauty above is a project, based on European public restrooms (is it true, my dear European readers? ) and, for now, it’s availabe for men only. According to the news, there are no doors or water in these restrooms, so … it won’t be possible to people to wash their hands after pee and this is absolutely lovely, don’t you think?! The restrooms, made of stainless steel, are connected to the sewerage system. They were created because a lot of people pee on the streets (Ugh!
). If people pee on the streets here in Brazil, they are arrested. If there’s a policeman around, of course!
I still don’t know what to think about it. I use to relate restrooms to privacy. I would never use such a thing, in the middle of the sidewalk! Ok, this is the male version, but still! Of course, if a man feels comfortable enough to pee on the streets (Ugh!!!!), it won’t be hard to him to use this UFA! … What made me feel really embarrassed was the meaning of the acronym UFA! Ufa! in Portuguese, is an interjection and it expresses relief. Ufa! means Phew! Do you understand me? Ufa! (Phew!) became an acronym to Unidade Fornecedora de Alívio (Relief Provider Unity). This is more than infamous, this is atrocious! How can a person talk seriously about a project like that?! Ufa … restroom … pee … relief … huh, huh?! I live in a country where terrible jokes become serious projects! And I still don’t know if I feel fine or not about it!
But … well, now I need to go. I’ll pee.
(Ufa! …)
Stay tuned! I’ll be back! This is Brazil, babe! Such things only happen here!
Link of the news, in Portuguese:
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