I swear I tried to think about something interesting to write today! There are so many subjects in this world! And many things happen everyday in Brazil. We’re getting ready to Carnival, for instance. Yes, yes, I promise to write something about it! It would be an epic fail to miss such an important event! But … I couldn’t work right today, I just can’t think about duties! I’m not here … My mind is somewhere away from here . I’m desligada (off, in a literal translation. But the word desligado – or desligada, for women – means distracted)
. Don’t worry: I’m fine
. I just can’t focus on anything but … well … nevermind
. So, I’ve chosen a song, which describes this state of mind or mood: Meio desligado (A little distracted). The original version is from Mutantes, a legendary Brazilian rock band. But, this video is a version of a band from Minas Gerais, called Pato Fu. They’re funny and Fernanda Takai, the vocalist, has a very sweet and cute voice. I had a conversation with her, once, she’s very very nice! Enjoy, dear readers! I hope to be back to this planet tomorrow …
Meio Desligado (Mutantes/Pato Fu) Ando meio desligado Eu nem sinto meus pés no chão Olho e não vejo nada Eu só penso se você me quer Eu nem vejo a hora de lhe dizer Aquilo tudo que eu decorei E depois, o beijo que eu já sonhei Você vai sentir, mas … Por favor, não leve a mal Eu só quero que você me queira Não leve a mal Não leve a mal … | A little distracted I’ve been a little distracted I not even feel my feet on the ground I look around and see nothing I only think (wonder) if you want me I can’t wait to tell you All I memorized And then, the kiss I’ve already dreamed of You will feel it, but … Please, don’t get me wrong I just want you to want me Don’t get me wrong Don’t get me wrong … |
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