segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2013

Menina Veneno.

Hi againmini_gifs187nakayoshi2

I confess I didn’t know what to write about. I cannot think well in such weather conditions. But internet has saved my daymini_gifs184Here in Brazil, 30 years ago, according to UOL (Universo Online), a song called Menina Veneno was released by a British singer and musician called Richard David Court, also known as Ritchie. I was a cute 3 year-old girl (Aww! … mini_gifs50), but I listened to Menina Veneno during my whole childhood! minisomIt was a HUGE success, the greatest hit of Ritchie! He, a British man, can sing perfectly in Portuguese, it’s impressive! He was a successful singer and musician in the 80’s and his songs are good! Menina Veneno sounds a little cheesy, but I must confess: I LOVE IT! mini_gifs91 I don’t know … there’s something magical about the 80’s! Menina Veneno is a hit until today and Brazilian people from all generations love it and sing it! So, it’s my obligation to share it with you, my dear readers! Enjoy! Listen to Menina Veneno and sing it! It’s a great “karaoke song”! *lol*

I’ll be back! Stay tuned!



Menina Veneno

Meia-noite no meu quarto
Ela vai subir
Ouço passos na escada
Vejo a porta abrir
Um abajur cor de carne
Um lençol azul
Cortinas de seda
O seu corpo nu

Menina Veneno
O mundo é pequeno demais pra nós dois
Em toda cama que eu durmo
Só dá você, só dá você,
Só dá você, (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

Seus olhos verdes no espelho
Brilham para mim
Seu corpo inteiro é um prazer
Do principio ao sim
Sozinho no meu quarto
Eu acordo sem você
Fico falando pras paredes
Até anoitecer

Menina Veneno
Você tem um jeito sereno de ser
E toda noite no meu quarto
Vem me entorpecer, me entorpecer
Me entorpecer, (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

Meia-noite no meu quarto
Ela vai surgir
Eu ouço passos na escada
Vejo a porta abrir
Você vem não sei de onde
Eu sei vem me amar
Eu nem sei qual o seu nome
Mas nem preciso chamar

Poison Girl

At midnight, she’ll be upstairs
In my bedroom
I hear steps on the stairs
I see the door being open
A flesh colored lampshade
A blue bed sheet
Silk curtains
Her naked body

Poison Girl
The world is too small for both of us
On every bed I sleep
There’s only you, there’s only you
There’s only you (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

Your green eyes at the mirror
Shine to me
Your whole body is a delight
From the beginning to the yes
Alone in my bedroom
I wake up without you
I keep talking to the walls
Until the night falls down

Poison Girl
You have a serene way to be
And every night, in my bedroom
Come to drug me, drug me
Drug me (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

At midnight, she’ll appear
In my bedroom
I hear steps on the stairs
I see the door being open
I don’t know where do you come from
I know you come to love me
I not even know your name
But I not even need to call you


P.S.: This is not a literal translation, but that’s what the song means.

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