Hi, peopleHappy Valentine’s Day
We don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day in Brazil. Our Dia dos Namorados is on June 12 and it’s an exclusive day for boyfriends and girlfriends. By the way, I took a look at the news on internet, today and found a … creepy album about zombie teddy bears (I’m talking about the plushies), on Universo Online (UOL)!
A British artist called Philip Blackman created zombie teddy bears, like this one:
He sells these “beauties” on his website (undeadteds.com). Actually, he has already sold all of his zombie teddy bears! Take a look at the website! What do you think about, my dear reader? Maybe zombie teddy bears are nice gifts to … creepy girlfriends! I wouldn’t like to receive one!
Teddy bears must be cute!!!!
I don’t like zombies! My friends want to watch The Walking Dead series with me and I’m always procrastinating my decision. Sooner or later, I will say yes just because it’s funny to watch anything with my friends ^^. We watched Gremlins and Gremlins 2: The New Batch during Carnival. The first was released in 1984 and the second, in 1990. Yes, ancient movies. Me, my brother and friends have been watching ancient movies, lately. It seems we’re getting old … I wanted to watch Gremlins, because of Gizmo, the cute creature who generates unwittingly a bunch of ugly and tricky monsters, the Gremlins (the funniest characters of the movie
). The first movie is cute and funny, I really recommend it! Here’s the trailer:
The second movie is not that good. It’s full of unecessary special effects, in my opinion. But, it was funny to watch it anyway …
Gremlins … zombies …To be honest, I feel like a zombie, today. I feel like this:
This is probably the only cute zombie of this planet!But … what was I talking about? … Oh, yes … I’m in a zombie mood today. It won’t be easy to get back to my daily routine after so many days of fun!
Seriously, I really had a good time! And Carnival is a strange phenomenon, because it doesn’t exactly end on Wednesday (Quarta-Feira de Cinzas). The parades are over and we already have the two champions of this year: Mocidade Alegre (São Paulo) and Unidos de Vila Isabel (Rio de Janeiro). BUT, all the champions will return this weekend! We will have the parade of the champions! Maybe (I said maybe), I’ll have a nice video to post here. Yesterday, I spent hours watching some Carnival videos on YouTube, trying to find something decent to show you. I watched the parade of Unidos de Vila Isabel, but the quality of the image is terrible! The parade was cool, anyway. If I find a nice video, I’ll post here!
My mind and body still don’t accept that Carnival is over. Especially because I’ll be in a party mood until Sunday (February 17), also known as MY BIRTHDAYMy friends will be here again, we’ll party again, so, why do I have to work today and tomorrow? *lol* Why????!!!!
Oh, responsibilities, go away, please, let me party a little bit more! … I spent days going to bed after 02:00 AM, eating at odd hours (at least, I eat healthy food …), watching comedies and laughing on bad (sometimes terrible) jokes after midnight, my routine is upside down!
Please, be patient to me in the next days!
I will get back to this dimension! Maybe (I said maybe), I’ll return today to finally show you some samba, but, for now, I share with you the only decent video I found on YouTube about the Carnival parades, from Rio de Janeiro. It’s a summary of the parades of six schools which belong to the special group. The videos were made by Rede Globo, one of the main Brazilian TV channels. They have the rights to broadcast Carnival. As I told you before, each samba school chooses a theme and everything in the parade is about this theme. Each parade lasts a little bit more than one hour. Watch this video, before YouTube takes it off internet!
Desfile das Escolas de Samba – Grupo Especial (Rio de Janeiro) / Compacto:
- Inocentes de Belfort Roxo (Theme: South Korea)
- Salgueiro (Theme: Fame)
- Unidos da Tijuca (Theme: Germany)
- União da Ilha (Theme: the Brazilian poet Vinícius de Moraes)
- Mocidade (Theme: Samba and Rock in Rio)
- Portela (Theme: Madureira, a district from Rio de Janeiro)
That’s all for now, folks! Now I need to work! But, stay tuned. I’ll be back!
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