Nessa data querida
Muitas felicidades
Yes, my dear readersThis is the most important day of the year
At least, to me. My birthday! ^^ A few hours ago, I became a 33 year-old woman. How do I feel? Fine, for now. No wrinkles, no sagging, one or two white strands of hair, but I always remove them furiously … I think that the biggest transition of my life, in the past years, was when I turned 30. I cannot explain, but it’s a completely different lifestyle, especially to a single person like me! When I was younger, I thought I would be married and a mother of three kids (yes, I was that insane!) at age 30. Believe it or not, I’ve ever been married. My ex-husband is one of my best friends. Yes! But my life has changed a lot and I became a single, independent and self-made (super powerful, badass, etc. *lol*
) woman, who doesn’t want to get married again. I will write a post about my lovely single life someday! It’s completely different to be a single woman at age 30, or 33 in my case. My sense of reality is much more accurate, for instance. My plans are more realistic. By the way, people ask me if I have dreams. No, actually. I have plans. I want to build up my dreams, so, they are not exactly dreams. When I was a 22 year-old elementary teacher, I wanted to change the world through Education. Now, I know that I do enough changing my own life (and writing a blog, maybe
). People at my age are far more realistic! We already know that we won’t be rich, unless we win some lottery, so, we need to manage our finances. And there are so many bills to pay!
When I was younger, I could be insane and spend loads of money in … a … purse, because mom and dad payed the bills. Now, I have some responsibilities, so, my purses are a little cheaper (which makes no difference nowadays, because not even the experts can distinguish a fake Louis Vuitton from an original one. Holy God, what a futile comment! … Pardon me!
). Now, I am far more mature and responsible!
I think I’m more interesting, charming and attractive (I’m extremely humble, too! *LOL* ). Now I’m more secure about my thoughts, opinions, feelings. I have more things to say and stories to tell and don’t take life too seriously. I believe my choices are much better nowadays, too. I think once, twice, three times before to make a choice. My relationships (all of them) are much better, because I care about quality, not quantity! I learn from my mistakes. I’m less anxious (hmmm … maybe!
). I think that aging is only a problem when people stop to live and learn! I don’t know if I’ll feel old someday! There are so many things to live and now I have a little bit of wisdom (I guess …) and life experience, to enjoy them better! I don’t feel old. Yesterday, my friends said that I’m looking great. It’s a wonderful thing to hear when you are not an 18 year-old girl, anymore *lol*. People don’t believe that I’m 33. In the beginning of the year, I had a type of crisis, because I didn’t want to be seen as an old woman, you know, that type of single 30 year-old respectful woman, who can’t laugh on a silly joke and gets offended easily. But, I think it won’t happen! Sometimes I feel strange, because I still play video games and computer games, still like Hello Kitty
and my bedroom looks like the bedroom of a 15 year-old girl. But, it’s my way to be! Age is only a number. But aging has a purpose. We should get better with time. I feel young inside, but much more mature. When I take a look at my old pics, I see how insecure my eyes used to be. My eyes now are stronger, more secure, I can hold my teen friends in my arms, wipe their tears and say that they don’t need to suffer so much because of a jerk. I was a teen some years ago, I met many jerks, cried because of them, but time showed me that there are many nice guys around, too and all the sorrow disappears someday. It’s good to be a woman. At least, I can avoid jerks and give a little bit of support to my teen friends
So, yes, I’m feeling just fine! Now, I need to justify the title of the post, before I forget (old people have memory problems …): Retrato Chinês (Chinese Portrait) is a game I used to play with my friends and penpals when I was a teen. It’s basically a list of questions and you need to say what/who would you be if you were a song, a season, a toy, a day of the week, etc. I don’t play this game for ages, but I thought it would be interesting to play it today, on my blog, so you can know me better. And I can see how much I’ve changed. So, let’s go:
If I was …
- a color: Pink.
- a dish: Estrogonofe de legumes, my favorite dish. Estrogonofe is a Brazilian dish, usually made with meat (beef or chicken), spices, veggies, cognac, mushrooms and creme de leite (a cream made of milk). But, I’m a vegetarian, so, my estrogonofe is made with veggies, spices, cognac, mushrooms and creme de leite. I will eat my favorite dish today, by the way. Hmmm! … Can’t wait! It’s delicious!
- a drink: Water.
- a season: Spring.
- a day of the week: Saturday.
- a book: That’s a hard one! … The Odyssey, by Homer.
- a comics character: Any doubt?
Storm (X-Men)!
- a cartoon: Here we go again! Any doubt?
- a movie: The Neverending Story. One of the most beautiful and meaningful movies I’ve ever seen, based on the book of Michael Ende. I think that this movie is not only part of my childhood, but part of my soul!
- an animal: a winged unicorn. Because it’s a magical horse that can fly! Freedom and fantasy at their most! I know that unicorns do not exist. Actually I don’t know …
- a sweet: Chocolate. Without cockroaches (Check this post here).
- a toy: yoyo
- an object: a book. A good one!
- a country: Brazil.
- a football team: São Paulo Futebol Clube.
- a game: Diablo 2. I have an affective connection with this game!
- a band: Any doubt? QUEEN.
- a sentence: Two sentences: The mind is everything. What you think, you become (Buddha).
Enough for now? Yeah, I think so. I need to wake up a bunch of lazy guys right now! I want to thank all my friends and penpals for the birthday wishes, sweet emails and little gifts! You are just adorable! Stay tuned! I have a lot of things to post! But now it’s time to celebrate a bit!
Hi, Sis!
ResponderExcluirI'm here to wish you a happy birthday!!
May all your wishes come true, and may you remain the beautiful, sweet, witty and wonderful person you are!!!
Aww! <3 Thank you so much, bro! I love you! ^^