OláHow are you doing, today? Hope fine. I’m doing just fine! Today, a lot of students in Brazil are a little depressed, including my brother, who’s an IT student. All of them are or will be back to school! I’m a little sad, because I feel a little lonely at night, while my brother is at college
. I spend the whole time doing something or talking to my friends by instant messengers, but I miss my brother’s company! Maybe it sounds strange to some readers, but many schools (high schools), colleges and universities work at night in Brazil. I studied at night for years, during my college times! I worked during the day. By the way, that’s why evening classes exist in Brazil: to the students who work during the day. It’s tiring, exhausting to spend the whole day at work and study at night, but the people who study at night use to be much nicer and funnier! More mature and less spoiled. The lessons are easier, too, there’s less homework to do. Of course, some teachers are less understanding and treat people who study at night like full time students. But they are exceptions!
The return to school has several meanings. First of all, an explanation: there are public and private schools (colleges, universities) in Brazil. The public schools are financed by the government and provide everything to the students (uniforms, school supplies and food) while they are kids. There’s still a sad fact in Brazil, about it: many poor kids go to school because of the food. I worked, as an elementary teacher at public schools and they used to serve two meals (breakfast and lunch) and snacks to the kids. I remember that many kids used to throw food away (and I just hated this behaviour! ), but many kids ate everything, because they couldn’t eat at home. The distribution of resources to public schools is quite unequal. While some schools located near downtown receive a lot of food, school supplies and uniforms, many schools in the suburbs (our suburbs are not like the American ones!) don’t receive not even the necessary. I worked at schools in downtown, so, I could take some apples with me, everyday, to eat them at home (I don’t know why, but the apples of the public schools are delicious!), for instance
. The government doesn’t provide everything to teenagers, only food, textbooks, and, sometimes, uniforms. Anyways, the parents of the kids and teens who study at public schools, don’t need to worry that much about spending loads of money. The same doesn’t happen to the parents of the kids and teens who study at private schools! First of all, there’s the monthly payment (public schools, colleges and universities are for free). Then, there’s the uniform and the school supplies list. The school supplies list is a real drama, for the parents!
It’s endless and the most of school supplies requested are not used during the year! If you have a little kid, in Brazil, you won’t let him/her study at a public school, if you have a choice, because the quality of teaching is terrible. But the private schools will drain your money! So, the return to school means, to many parents, a little bit of debt. For a change.
To the students, the return to school is good and bad. Good because of the friends and new possibilities (new people to flirt, date, etc.). Bad because of the boring teachers and endless/meaningless lessons. When I was a student, I used to feel very excited about the school supplies list. I studied at a private school when I was a kid and at public schools in my teenage. So, I was free to choose my school supplies when I was a teen! To a person who loves pens, memo papers, pencils, notebooks, it was a dream come true! Me and my friends were proud to show our new acquisitions! I’ve always been a good student, but I’ve never been a nerd! It was quite boring to me to bear the most of the lessons! I learn everything very quickly and like to learn by myself. As I told you before (check this post, here), I’ve always been a rebel at school. When I was studying to become an elementary teacher (my sweetest school memories together with the college ones), I spent whole lessons writing letters to my Italian penpals, drawing, writing the name of the boy I was dating dozens of times on my notebook or talking to my friends. But I was very intelligent, creative and always ready to have useful ideas. The projects of my group were the best of the class and we all were unbearable students! *lol* The bad girls of the class, babe! I’m proud of this
. I’ve never been a “good girl”. The good students of my class wanted to kill me and my friends, because we didn’t give a damn about the most of the lessons, but created the best projects!
Good old times! Yes, I was a “bad girl” at school.
When I became a teacher (my turn to pay for my sins, as a student), I understood my teachers. All of them, even the most boring of this planet! It’s not easy to teach. I had to deal with dozens of kids and, maybe due to some identification, they were terrible! *lol* Terrible and lovely. Just like me ^^ (he he he he he he …). The return to school, to a teacher, means boring meetings with boring colleagues and a huge anxiety about the students. “Will I manage to teach everything? How many devils will piss me off during the whole year? Will they learn how to read? Will I bear many boring mothers?” So many questions! …Teachers are human beings too. They feel frustrated, tired, unmotivated. To them, schools suck sometimes, too. Think about it, dear reader, if you’re still a student! Your teachers are people like you. Don’t piss them off so often! …
I wouldn’t return to college, if you want to know. I’m satisfied with one diploma. Then, I think I’m a little old for some experiences! I really enjoyed my student life! Anyway, we all know that school wasn’t exactly made to help us to develop our talents. In the most of cases, it’s all about indoctrination. Nowadays, many people are thinking about a better education and I really hope to see students learning useful things at school! Don’t get me wrong: I really believe that people need to study! But want to see students learning more useful things, I want school to be a happy place, where people can find themselves and learn to be tolerant, open-minded, friendly and kind! I’m sure that I wouldn’t be that rebel as a student, if I felt motivated about the subjects! By the way, my favorite subject at school and college has always been Portuguese.
Chega por hoje, meus queridos! This video is about a type of school that I don’t want to see anymore. This song shivers me no matter how many times I listen to it! It’s amazing! Enjoy!
Stay tuned! Other posts will come! Aos meus leitores brasileiros: bom retorno às aulas! Tudo passa … *rs*
Hugs! Talk to you soon!
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