quinta-feira, 28 de março de 2013

A few words about my situation.

Please, my dear reader, choose a sad song as a soundtrack to read this post! Try this one, but please don’t try to commit suicide or something!:

Something happened to my laptop. I don’t know what, but it’s something related to heat. My laptop has been turning off suddenly, without a reason, for days and, now, it just doesn’t start Windows! I don’t understand much about computers. I can use them pretty well, but don’t know how to express myself (in English!) correctly about what’s happening! It’s enough to say that I can’t use my laptop. Of course, I’m not feeling fine at all, because of this! At present, I’m in my brother’s bedroom, using his old laptop. This version of Windows Live Writer is not as good as mine (don’t know why), so, I don’t have many resources … Sorry, people! :(

I’ll travel to countryside tomorrow, to spend the Easter holiday with my family. I’ll take my laptop with me and my brother will try to fix it up. Let’s cross fingers! Yesterday, he took a look at my laptop and told me that nothing happened to my precious data! Phew! … Anyway, more than one person recommend me to buy a desktop computer. Well, they are far cheaper than a laptop and my brother can build up one! Anyways, I want my laptop back! Just because I love all my things! It was my birthday gift last year, I filled it up with cute stickers and everything about it is cute! Then, I lost my previous laptop due to similar reasons. It was old, but I liked it! :(

Sooo, I hope I can solve this problem as soon as possible! Please, keep visiting my blog, I’ll do my best to keep writing posts despite of this problem! Thanks for the understanding, a big hug and happy Easter!


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