quarta-feira, 20 de março de 2013

R.I.P. Emílio Santiago.

Hi peoplemini_gifs187

How are you doing? I’m doing fine, trying to handle all my duties and responsibilities, as ever, but much happier because Autumn is coming and the weather is finally getting cooler! mini_gifs76

Well, sometimes unexpected things happen and we, bloggers, need to change our plans a little bit and write about something completely different. I read the news on internet, as ever, and knew that one of the most talented Brazilian singers, Emílio Santiago, died today. He was 66 years old. And everytime a famous person dies in Brazil, a lot of people feel the need to make a thousand compliments on him/her. Dead people become heroes or gods, in Brazil. Of course, there are rude and bad educated creatures here, too, who take the opportunity to say terrible things about someone who died. I don’t agree with both attitudes. So, I would never say something about a famous person’s death if I didn’t feel the need to do it! I think I must say a word or two about Emílio Santiago because I really like him! I’m not an expert in Brazilian music, but I know enough about it to make some comments. I’ve always said that the three greatest singers of this country are Ney Matogrosso, Milton Nascimento and Emílio Santiago! They are real singers, owners of unique, unmistakable voices!

I spent my whole childhood listening to good Brazilian music on the radio and of course I remember Emílio Santiago and his greatest hits! He was born on December 6, 1946, in Rio de Janeiro, studied to be a lawyer, but decided to become a singer, for our luck!AlegreHe released dozens of albums! And his deep, warm, melodic, sensual voice is so Brazilian! Emílio Santiago could sing every type of music I guess, but his interpretations of samba and bossa nova classics are special! minisomI don’t know all his repertory yet, but know enough to love him! mini_gifs82His voice is SO awesome! While I write this post, I’m listening to his last album, Só Danço Samba, a compilation of samba and bossa nova hits! It was released on 2010. Wow! … mini_gifs180I would like to be at the beach, layed on a rede, just enjoying the moment! I think I’ll always connect Emílio Santiago with the beach because when I was a teen, me and my family travelled to the coast and I listened to Emílio Santiago every single day in the hotel! The most of his songs have this vibe: beach … waves … cool breeze … relaxing time! This is a rede, by the way:



Emílio Santiago will always be one of the greatest Brazilian singers of all time! So, I don’t agree when people say that his death was “a great lost”. We all will die someday! We can escape from everything, except from death! But music is something eternal! music_azul Emílio Santiago died because his mission here is over (according to my beliefs, of course). But, hey, it was a great mission! He made thousands of people happier with his voice and presence! His voice is unique, unmistakable, he’s part of our history and culture! He shared his gift with us and we, Brazilian people, can be proud to be Brazilians because of him! Our music is unique! “A great lost” is not the death of unique people who shared their gifts with us. A great lost is the life of the ones who don’t follow their dreams and try to be unique! A great lost is the life of the ones who have no courage to be themselves! Emílio is dead. Ok. I’ll be dead someday, too. And you, my dear reader! The question is: will we do something to be reminded? Well … I will!

If I could say something to Emílio, it would be: THANK YOU! Thanks for making this world a better place with your unique voice! Rest in peace! And feel happy: you will be eternal while people listen to your songs!

Of course, I’ll share something with you guys. I must say that Brazilian music is pretty unique, so, don’t expect pop songs! That’s all for now! I’ll return today! Stay tuned! Listen to Emílio Santiago! And be happy!


Verdade Chinesa – Emílio Santiago:

One of my favorite songs of all time! Beautiful lyrics, nice interpretation! A musical trip! I love to sing this song!

Saigon – Emílio Santiago:

This is his greatest hit! A classic! Beautiful song! The video is cheesy, but, please, pay attention at the song!Smiley mostrando a língua

Tudo Que Se Quer – Emílio Santiago e Verônica Sabino:

Just listen to this song! It’s amazing!


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