sexta-feira, 8 de março de 2013

Who run the world? Girls!


The International Women’s Day is not exactly a day of celebration. Especially in Latin America, we, women, don’t have much to celebrate. But, I’m not here to talk about pain and indignation. Yes, I am a woman. I live in a country where the most of men are extremely sexist, violent and disrespectful. While I write this post, at home, protected and comfortable, little girls are being sexually abused, wives are being beaten by their husbands and lovely teenagers, full of potentials, are being offended by harsh and violent words. A lot of men still believe that they can possess women an rule their lives and, unfortunately, we still live in a patriarchal civilization. A lot of things must be done to change the cruel and sad destiny of thousands of women, all over the world! But I’m not here to repeat a radical feminist speech. I am a feminist and, in the beginning of my journey, I was radical and my speeches were full of hate and sorrow. Now I understand that only love can change the world and this is not a cheesy line of a pop love song! I really mean that. I’m tired of ideas and speeches that separate people instead of unite them! And I have no reasons to complain about men! Maybe I’m privileged, but all my close friends are men, the most of my friends are men and they are lovely, understanding and respectful. My father was the most adorable man of this planet! How can I say that men are monsters, if I’ve always been loved, accepted and protected by men?! Of course, I’ve been a victim of verbal abuse and the patriarchal society hurts me too. And pisses me off! Today, for instance, I received dozens of newsletters from stores and companies wishing me a happy International Women’s Day and “suggesting” me to consume. “You deserve to be more beautiful!”, they say. Thanks for the compliment, but, sometimes, I don’t want to look like a beauty queen! I just want to be myself, wear a sweater, have a bad hair day and read a book or play computer games! Women are not objects of decoration! And it’s pretty sad that stores and companies where thousands of women work, sell this type of vision to other women (and to themselves)! It’s terrible when women reproduce the sexist behaviour and act against other women. It happens A LOT in Brazil! Women here are extremely competitive. Every time you, my dear female reader, act against other woman without a reason, you are behaving exactly like the worst sexist man there is! We should be united! Girls and boys are still educated in a different way, especially in Brazil, where the sexism is atrocious and a little boy is beaten by his father, just because he wanted to play with dolls or dress a pink t-shirt! A lot of things must be done to change this world.

But, as I said before, I’m not here to talk about pain and indignation. The mind is everything. What you think, you become. If we, women, don’t believe in our potentials and strenght, we will never have potentials and be strong! Never! So, I invite you, my dear female reader, to read and repeat the sentences of power below! If you are a man, read it too, because they are valid for human beings in general:

I am a perfect human being full of potentials, free and able to do whatever I want!

No censorship will stop me to express myself!

I don’t choose hate as a language or lifestyle, so, words of hate mean nothing to me. Nothing will stop me to be who I am!

I am strong enough to defend myself! Violence is not a matter of who’s stronger, who’s weaker. Violence is an instrument of power. If I don’t give power to a violent person, I don’t give him or her the right to hurt me!

I don’t believe in limitations. I will find my way, no matter how long does it take!

I don’t give to other people the power to decide what’s better to me!

I am beautiful the way I am and, if someone doesn’t accept me, well, he or she can f*** off!

No make up, body lotions, perfumes, pairs of shoes, jewels, clothes can fill up the whole I have inside of me. I better look for my own solutions!

I am completely able to change my life and start new projects, if I want to do it!

I am completely able to end a relationship that hurts me and makes me feel down!

I don’t need company to feel complete!

I wasn’t born to serve and obey!

I am responsible for the education of the new generations. If I believe in equality, I must live and teach equality!


Of course, I don’t want to teach anybody how to live! But I know how our mind is tricky and how much we need to work to think the right things. Power does not exist without the ones who accept them. Of course, we must change this world. But only self-confident people can do it. If you believe you are too weak to say no and stop the violence, well, that’s what you will be! Believe in yourself! Women are amazing, magical, strong, creative! We all were born to shine! I’m not here to say how painful existance can be to a woman, because my existance has never been painful, despite of some episodes! The most incredible woman I’ve ever met, my mother, taught me to believe in equality and created me and my brother for equality. Why? Because she was self-confident. She didn’t hear the blah blah blah of the ones who want humanity to be separated! So, let’s shine, girls! This world belongs to us, too! We can make it better with our sensibility! We can teach people how lo love! If we believe in our potentials. We run the world!

Happy International Women’s Day!


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