domingo, 11 de agosto de 2013

Multi Maiden Drops: Uma Brasileira.


Bom diamini_gifs187solzinhoYes. I know. I’m late. But, I still believe that one day I’ll be able to do everything I need and/or want to! …mini_gifs55 

Sometimes (it happens many times), I just want to share something with you guys, but feel a little shy to do it, because it’s not exactly a post (or a writing). Of course, I have many things to tell you, but sometimes I just see something, listen to a song, remember a poem and think: “This is so nice, I would like to share it with my dear readers!” Then I feel shy, for silly reasons and don’t do it Smiley envergonhado. But, heymini_gifs184 This is MY blog, the only place on internet where I can post whatever I want, so, what’s the problem?! Sooo:

I was filling up my mp4 player with songs and found one I didn’t listen to for ages! I was like: “Hey! This song is great!” And decided to play it on Winamp mini_gifs180. It was really special, because I got back to my teen years (the song was released in 1995) and started to sing, exactly the way I used to do with my friends back then … mini_gifs51It’s a very catching song, so nice to listen to, such a cool and positive vibemini_gifs130By Os Paralamas do Sucesso (you can see how much I like them here and here), a great Brazilian band! Listening to songs like Uma Brasileira (A Brazilian Woman), I always have the impression that everything was better when I was younger, but maybe I’m just getting old …

The lyrics, by Carlinhos Brown (a very famous song writer and musician from Bahia), makes no sense at all, but … the song sounds so well that I think that a meaningful lyrics wouldn’t be that nice! It usually happens to Carlinhos Brown’s lyrics: they make no sense, but fit perfectly to the song! I won’t translate the song this time, because I’m afraid to ruin it! Smiley confusoBut here is the lyrics, my dear reader, so you can sing a little bit and practice your Portuguese!:

Rodas em sol, trovas em dó
Uma brasileira, ô
Uma forma inteira, ô
You, you, you

Nada demais
Nada através
Uma légua e meia, ô
Uma brasa incendeia, ô
You, you, you

Deixa o sal no mar
Deixe tocar aquela canção

One more time,ime,ime
One more time,ime,ime
One more time,ime,ime,ime,ime

Trate-me, trate
Como um candeeiro, ô
Somos do interior do milho

E esse ão de são
Hei de cantar naquela canção

One more time,ime,ime
One more time,ime,ime
One more time,ime,ime,ime,ime

Nada demais
Nada através
Uma légua e meia, ô
Uma brasa incendeia, ô
You, you, you

E esse ão de são
Hei de cantar naquela canção

One more time,ime,ime
One more time,ime,ime
One more time,ime,ime,ime,ime

So, that’s it! Here’s the video (below, actually … he he)! Listen to this song and have a good time! minisomI’m planning to return today, with a real post!AlegreSo, stay tuned! And get back to my blog one more time, ime, ime! Smiley piscando



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