segunda-feira, 19 de agosto de 2013

Multi Maiden drops: Everybody’s everything.


Hiya there, people! Alegre How are you doing? I’m tired. Do you think it’s easy to be an independent woman? No no, it’s not Nhé-nhé. I’m writing this post and cooking the dinner, at the same time! 0fb67d41It means that I need to be in the kitchen every now and then to check the food. The smell is great! ^^ And I’m starving! It’s cold here in São Paulo (+13C) and I’m wearing my neon striped scarf! Yes, I have a neon scarf. Yellow, blue, orange, green and pink mini_gifs84. Knitted by me. And you know what?! I’m looking good! Polegar para cimaI don’t know if I would be brave enough to wear this scarf outside, but it was made to be worn at home. Do you also have clothes to wear at home only? …

Well, I’m too tired to write a long and meaningful post, but don’t wanna leave you without news, so here is a drops! Chatting with a friend about guitarists, I said to him that my favorite is Carlos Santana. No Jimi Hendrix, Joe Satriani or Steve Vai. Carlos Santana! music_azulBecause he’s not only a guitarist. He’s a mage! His music is alive, it communicates with us! It’s impossible to listen to Carlos Santana and stay still. Well, I can’t! There’s so much energy, sensuality and spirituality in his music that … it’s magic! minibrilhoI remember that Oye Como Va was the first song by Carlos Santana that I listened to, when I was a kid. My obvious, spontaneous reaction was to dance! I fell in love with that vibe back then.

Then, in my teen years, an Italian friend recorded to me, in a tape (a tape!!!!Smiley surpreso) an album by Carlos Santana called Supernatural. I found myself listening to it, you have no idea! My close friends relate Santana’s music to me. I listen to everything by him and love it!mini_gifs23Carlos Santana is from Mexico, but his music is about all Latin America! Our joy, mysticism, sensuality is there, in his magic guitar! I feel his songs, there’s something about them, they create a whole atmosphere around me and I don’t need to use drugs to feel it! Nhé-nhéThere’s a message in his music: life is beautiful! Life’s magical! So, get up, dance, sing, feel the vibe, kiss your boyfriend or girlfriend, enjoy the moment!

So, I decided to share a song by him with you. I love many of them and if I was one of his songs, I would be Black Magic Woman. But Everybody’s Everything (1971) has such a positive vibration, that I had to choose it! My body reacts to this song immediately! It probably will happen to you too, my dear reader! So, let it flow! Alegre

I’ll be back. Stay tuned! And listen to Carlos Santana!


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