Good morning, my dear readers! How is your weekend going so far? Here, at Multi Maiden’s cute fortress, everything’s fine! It’s a cloudy and cold morning (+14C), of a typical day to be at home, lazing. I would be on my bed, knitting under the blankets, but I need to update this blog, right?! And I need to share something with you!
As you already know, I live in a tropical country, blessed by God and beautiful by nature. We have a female president for the first time in our History, Mrs. Dilma Rousseff. She’s from the same party of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (the legend): PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores – Workers’ Party), a left (huahuahuahuahuahuahua!!!! ) party. Her government, so far, is marked by a deep disrespect for social movements and minorities and strange alliances with ultraconservative people and parties, despite of all the benefits given to poor people. And last week, during a visit to Varginha, a city with about 124 thousand habitants, in Minas Gerais (southeast state), she said something really amazing. So amazing, that I still don’t know if I cry, laugh, move to Jupiter or isolate myself in a Buddhist temple in Tibet. Those episodes, my dear reader, make me think that I don’t live in a country. I live in a huge psychiatric hospital. But before to tell you what our president said, I need to introduce the subject. Let me inroduce, my dear reader! I promise I’ll be kind!
Do you believe in aliens? Have you ever seen an UFO? Have you ever been abducted? I think that it’s too much arrogance to believe that we are alone in this endless universe. What do we know about it? But it sounds weird to me that the most of people believe that aliens look like us, I mean, they have two eyes, two arms, two legs and some of them speak English!
This is a huge lack of imagination, at least! Anyways, I’ve never seen an alien in my life. I’ve never seen an UFO either. And, honestly, I don’t take stories about people who lived these experiences too seriously. It’s really hard to say what’s reality what’s imagination, when it comes to something we don’t know. But there are many people in this world who really do researches about the subject! Others swear they have met aliens. Like two sisters in Varginha, in 1996. They swear they saw a short and brown creature, with a big head and red eyes, who didn’t look like a human being at all. According to the local authorities, it was an alien and not the only one who decided to visit Varginha back then. People swear they saw UFOs in the sky …
I was a teenager and remember that every single tv channel showed reports, interviews and documentaries about o ET de Varginha (the alien from Varginha). I got tired of the subject back then! But, of course, the city became famous because of this. The truth is that nobody can say if aliens really visited Varginha in 1996. When people drink too much or use drugs, they see fairies, gnomes, unicorns, dwarves and also UFOs and aliens!
Nobody can say if the alien from Varginha is real. But many people made money and became famous because of this. The city itself became a tour spot thanks to this story. I prefer to believe that this alien is part of our folklore. Something in me refuses to believe that aliens look like us! If God (I believe in God, but, to me, it’s a principle, not a man) made so many different creatures only in this planet, why the hell aliens would look like us?! I want to believe that they are much prettier!
Flying saucer in Varginha. Actually, it’s a water tank …
Ok. Now that you already know about Varginha and its alien, let’s get back to Dilma Rousseff and her inspired sentences. As I told you before, last week, she visited Varginha, in Minas Gerais and gave an interview to the local radio stations. And she said (this is not a literal translation, but almost):
“First, I would like to say to you that I have a lot of respect for the alien from Varginha, And I know that here, who didn’t see him, knows someone who did it or has some relative who did it. Anyway, I start [this interview] saying that my respect for the alien from Varginha is guaranteed.”
Dilma Rousseff: looking for flying saucers in the sky.
** embarassed silence **
If you didn’t understand, my dear reader, read what Dilma said again. She has a lot of respect for the alien from Varginha. She’s the president of a country and said that she has a lot of respect for the alien from Varginha! And she said: “(…) I know that here, who didn’t see him, knows someone who did it or has some relative who did it.” (I loved that part!) A whole city united in the name of the alien from Varginha!lol
Some people (who I call sensitive souls) said that it was a joke. Maybe. Anyway, is it an expected behaviour from the president of a nation?! I mean, we not even know if this alien exists and our president says in an interview that she has a lot of respect for him (is it a boy?
)?! Am I too stressed lately or this country is too bizarre?! Ok, the alien is a symbol of Varginha. The local mayor even wants to build up a museum about the incident. The construction is stopped for three years. But … is a local legend that relevant? I still think that what our president said is amazing. And when I say amazing, I mean bizarre! She has a lot of respect for the alien from Varginha. I would like to know if he’s happy about it (let’s suppose that it’s a boy) …
The alien from Varginha (according to descriptions): a very respectable guy.
(sigh) That’s it, my dear readers! I live in a country where the president says that she has a lot of respect for an alien! And we not even know if he really came to Brazil in 1996! Don’t try to understand it. It’s impossible!
Now I need to go. There’s a warm bed waiting for me! Maybe a pair of knitting needles and some yarn too. Stay tuned! The truth is out there. In Varginha, to be more precise.
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