** Warning: This post contains irony, sarcasm and all the resources I use to express how unconfortable I feel when I read some news"! **
I’m sorry for my absence during the weekend, my dear readers, but I was very depressed at home, crying like a baby, because of a news about Eike Batista, one of the richest men of this world. According to Wikipedia, he’s the third richest man of Brazil. This is really something! I live in a country where many people not even have drinking water to quench their thirst, so, a man who had a fortune estimated in US$ 12,4 billion dollars is a … monster, I mean, a hero! US$ 12,4 billion dollars
. If I, you and all the readers of this blog joined our “fortunes” (lol
), we wouldn’t be as rich as Mr. Eike Batista, I must say. He’s a business man related to the oil, logistics, energy, mining, shipping industry and mineral coal fields. He’s also the president of a group of companies called EBX (whatever that means). Gee! … But this man, my dear readers, is depressed. He’s even looking for spiritual help!
Why? Because … he’s getting poor!
He had a fortune estimated in more than US$ 12 billion dollars. On July 2013, according to the Bloomberg ranking, his fortune was estimated in US$ 200 million dollars. Yes. I feel bad too! I couldn’t sleep in the last nights, thinking about this! I was sad basically because I don’t have not even US$ 1 million dollars to lose!
Eike Batista: The new poor on the block.
Yes, it must be hard to a business man to lose money, but … wait, wait, waaait!!!! According to a news I found on an online gossip website, called Extra (news in Portuguese, here), Eike Batista is really looking for spiritual help, because of this sudden lack of money! He’s going to a famous mystical center, in Rio de Janeiro, called Casa do Mago (House of the Mage ), to find some solution to his terrible problem! A fortune estimated in US$ 200 million dollars! This is too much poverty! I not even can afford a dozen of bananas with that money!
Think about this, my dear reader! We, mortals, need to pay the bills, the rent, save money and make bank loans to live in a humble house or apartment and drive a … reasonable car. Every month, I need to plan my shopping, because, well, my poverty is not that big! And this society is more bizarre than this: some people, actually, millions of people have no food to eat, no drinking water to quench their thirst, no clothes to wear! Some people feed themselves with rubbish, literally! I mean, the food you throw away sometimes or often (bad reader! ) feeds people! While you, middle class person, complains about your life, many people in this world have no time to complain, because they’re struggling to survive! And, sorry, if you don’t give a damn about it, you should! This world is so absolutely unfair, that we need to read that Eike Batista is depressed because he lost, in the past months, a few million (!!!!) dollars! This is a news! What about all the people exploited by him? What about all the people obligated to leave their houses, to leave the place free to the World Cup infrastructure, thanks to him? This is not relevant.
So, next time when you think about to look for spiritual help because of your “poverty”, think twice, my dear reader! Think about all you have! Is your situation that bad? Before to complain, look at Eike Batista! He’s very rich. And he’s not satisfied. And he doesn’t think that his richness comes from the real poverty of many people. He makes me to be ashamed to be Brazilian! I prefer my middle class life and my magical tricks to save money to buy me video games!
That’s all for now, folks. The Multi Maiden needs to sleep! I’ll be back. Stay tuned! And avoid poverty!
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