Have you ever felt blocked, not due to a lack of things to share and say, but due an excess, my dear reader? Have you ever felt that you have a rich and diverse universe inside of you, but when it comes to transform it into words, you just can’t make it? I’ve been feeling this way, lately: blocked. Lack of subjects or things to share has never been a problem, to me. Once, a penpal said to me that I can make the weather forecast sounds interesting. Awww! This is really flattering!
By the way, it’s very cold today here in São Paulo. +13C at present. I have a few friends who will laugh at this, like how can I call this temperature cold?! But, hey! I live in a tropical country, blessed by God and beautiful by nature (this is the literal translation of the first lines of a very famous Brazilian song, called País Tropical – Tropical Country). Think about palm trees, coconut water, beaches, waterfalls, watermelon juice, tropical fruits, my dear reader! Think about my cinnamon skin (actually, don’t do it!!!!
). Does this paradise fit to +13C? Gotcha!
I’m not complaining, though. I was even thinking about to write a post about our Winter (before it ends!), but … where’s my inspiration? I don’t know if it’s a matter of inspiration. As I told you before (here), writing is an exercise, a matter of discipline. I don’t have the Greek muses to help me. At least, I don’t have their number. Do you know if I can find them on Facebook, Skype, Twitter, my dear reader? Probably nowadays they have a company with many employees from Third World countries working in call centers!
Can you imagine that? A desperate writer, blocked or out of inspiration calls to a company. A person who understands nothing about his/her job (that’s what happens to low paid and poorly trained workers. Yes, I am being cruel. I’m not here only to please you, my dear reader, but also to tease you. Take it as an invitation to meditate about this crazy world!
) answers the call. Of course, before the writer waits for an eternity, listening to Jesus Joy Of Man’s Desiring, by Bach. When someone finally answers the call:
Writer: - Good evening! Can I talk to the Greek muses, please? Actually, if I can talk to just one of them, it’s enough!
Employee: - This is a call center. And I’m Maria da Conceição, how can I help you?
Writer: - Well … I … feel a little blocked, you know, it’s something very subjective actually, maybe I’m too stressed and tired …
Employee (cutting the writer’s words): - We suggest a few subjects which always work in every type of writing: weather; gossip about other people’s lives (have you ever tried celebrities?); complaints about your own life or any other type of egocentrism (try to post lots of pictures of what you ate yesterday!); politics (you need to say that every politician is a thief, this is very popular!); tv.
Writer: - Well … Actually, my problem is a little deeper. I have things to say and share but feel blocked somehow, you know … I tried to meditate and light a candle to the Catholic saint who protects the writers, but there’s no consensus about who the hell he or she is, so, I lighted a candle to all the saints. It didn’t work …
Employee (annoyed): - Unfortunately we don’t have a solution to your problem, this company thanks you for your call, have a nice day!
Well, I think it wouldn’t work to call the Greek muses or their call center … Maybe I just need to write. Yes, planning is absolutely necessary, but you only learn how to write, writing. It’s actually much easier to follow a pattern and write about only a few subjects. Maybe my blog would be about music, if I decided to choose the easy path. I listen to Brazilian music every single day and want to share songs with you every single day
But I like the unexpected! … This is funny because I feel distressed, this universe of possibilities (subjects, songs, pictures, videos, experiences) drives me absolutely insane!
Even if I plan my posts, I only have a pale idea of them. Believe me: this is terrible! But exciting and fascinating at the same time!
Of course, I’m sorry for my delay. Sometimes my life doesn’t allow me to have some fun here, but my creation process is mysterious and chaotic, anyway! I’m never sure about the results! And probably I felt blocked because I wanted, for some reason, to be someone I am not: an organized and predictable writer. Someone who knows what to say. Sometimes, I don’t. Sometimes I don’t know how to say. But, isn’t it cool? Let’s face it, my dear reader: you come to this blog exactly because you don’t know what will you find! And, let’s face it, Luna: you write this blog exactly because you don’t know how the post will look like!
Yes, I am mysterious . Maybe my name explains that: Luna. I also have a hidden face. And I’m changeable. Maybe Astrology explains that: I’m an Aquarius and my rising sign is also Aquarius
(we will always be the ones who will surprise you, unless you’re an Aquarius too!). But anyway, I will never be organized and sometimes I will plan a thing and write something completely different! So, I think I can overcome this situation of feeling blocked. This blog is just like me: mysterious. You come here exactly because of this!
Will I write about Winter? Will I write about folklore? Will I show you some pics? Who knows? I don’t. This blog doesn’t have a screenplay, it follows my moony moods! I have many things to say and share, but I’ll let everything flow! That’s what makes this blog unique! And that’s why you like it! So, stay tuned, my dear reader! I’ll come back with more mystery to you!
P.S.: Since I’m also a belly dancer, I decided to share this song with you guys! I move in mysterious ways too!
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