quarta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2013

Mimimi, Marco Feliciano and people who have no sense of humor.


Hellomini_gifs187How are you doing? First of all, I would like to share a worry with you guys: for some reason, my animated gifs are not working and I don’t understand that much about about blog layouts, to solve this problem by myself Crying face. I’m planning to hire someone to develop a personalized template to this blog, but I’d like to see my animated gifs working here, before! If someone can help me, I’ll be very happy and grateful! …

Well. It’s a sunny and pleasant Winter morning and I should be working, but don’t have much to do for now and decided to take the opportunity to update this blog. Many unexplainable things happen in my country and I try to write about them here with some sarcasm, because it’s healthier don’t take them very seriously. But, of course, sometimes I need to consider them seriously, because they’re worrying! When people lose the ability to deal with differences, and take everything as a personal offense, we don’t have a civilization anymore. And I’m afraid this is happening in Brazil. So, this post won’t be that funny, but I’ll do my best to make some jokes! Smile

First, let me explain what’s mimimi. Brazilian slang for the act of complaining endlessly and without a real reason about something or someone aborrecido. When a person complains too much about irrelevant problems, we say: Ele/ela está de mimimi!  Of course, we all have the right to express how unsatisfied we feel about something or someone. But mimimi is a childish attitude, usually from people who are never satisfied. Some of them become mimimi experts! And, of course, they want to catch attention. There’s a politician (congressman) in Brazil who’s a great example of mimimi expert: Marco Feliciano. He’s also a neo-pentecostal priest. And now I’ll say something that probably will shock you, but if you’re used to visit this blog, you already know that I live in a bizarre country: Marco Feliciano is explicitly racist and homophobic and … is the president of the Commission on Human Rights and Minorities, in Brasília, seat of the federal government! Confused smileYes! A racist and homophobic man is the president of the Commission on Human Rights and Minorities, of our Chamber of Deputies! Surprised smileWe, Brazilian people are funny, don’t you think?! 06 Unfortunately, this is not a joke. And Marco Feliciano is a great user of social networks, especially Twitter (no, I still don’t have a Twitter account!). He takes every opportunity he has to say disgusting things against minorities and his favorite target is the LGBT community. He says that homosexuality is something against God’s will. Well. If God created all of us, he also created the LGBT community, right?! mini_gifs47  How can God be against His (Christians believe that God is a man) creatures?! If He loves us all … it seems there’s something wrong about Marco Feliciano! Eye rolling smileHe’s childish and celebrates each notoriety he gets thanks to his comments and attitudes! He’s extremely rejected by many of us. Social movements, the LGBT community and people in general don’t lose a chance to show him that he’s a complete … prick. But, we have two problems: he was appointed by our President (Dilma Rousseff, who has a lot of respect for aliens) and there’s a lot of fanatic religious people in Brazil who support him!

I must say that I have nothing against Christians or religious people in general. I’m not religious myself, but believe in God and try to develop my spirituality tres_brilhos. If I had to choose a religious path, I would be Buddhist. But religions were made by human beings and – hellooo!!!! – we are not owners of the truth! I don’t want to believe in a God who teaches people to hate who’s different and imposes only one path to everyone. That’s what many neo-pentecostal people think. And, believe me, my dear reader, this is becoming a war, in Brazil! Fanatic religious people against the rest of us! They are so absolutely intolerant and closed in their conceptions, that it’s impossible to have a conversation with them! Of course, some neo-pentecostal people are nice, open-minded and remember that Jesus came to this planet to teach us how to love, but the fanatic ones ruin the reputation of all the groups! Especially because their leaders are mercenaries who build up churches to get rich thanks to the contributions of the believers! Marco Feliciano is not a believer. Nobody needs to look at his face twice to be sure of that. No no, I won’t post his picture here! This is a cute blog! 30 I won’t ruin it! Nyah-NyahIf you are curious, search for his pic on Google Images! Good luck! … He’s not a believer. He’s a mercenary and opportunist. He wants fame! He wants conflict with everyone! AnnoyedAs I wrote before, he’s a mimimi expert! And his last mimimi is against a group of very talented Brazilian comedians, called Porta dos Fundos (Backdoor). These comedians are internet celebrities; every Monday and Thursday they upload a new video on YouTube. Intelligent humor, very very good! I really like their videos.

Last Monday, they decided to upload a video which makes jokes about religious fanaticism. Let me explain: some Christian people (the video mentions Jesus) believe that, sometimes, Jesus’ image appears somewhere. On a rock. On the floor of a house. On a french fries pack. When it happens, the place where Jesus’ image was painted by supernatural hands, becomes a place of worship immediately. Lots of believers go there to pray, light candles and make wishes. Of course, nobody can prove anything about these images. Do they exist? Don’t they exist? Who knows?! Anyway, believers are so fanatic that they worship everything related to their gods, no matter how nonsense is the situation. The video by Porta dos Fundos is exactly about this! A completely nonsense situation (they love to explore the nonsense) with a little bit of criticism: a woman goes to the gynecologist to routine medical examinations, but the doctor gets impressed when he finds Jesus’ image on her private parts! Rolling on the floor laughingHe calls everybody to see the miracle and suddenly a lot of people start to pray, light candles, sing religious songs and make wishes. While the poor woman is there, with legs wide open. I laughed a lot when I watched the video! Of course, it’s a little provocative the place where Jesus’ image appeared. But this video is not offensive at all! Only fanatic religious people got offended. The video is not against Jesus Christ or his believers; it’s only a nonsense situation involving something that really happens in real life!

But, of course, priest (and prick) Marco Feliciano took the opportunity to say that he will try to remove the video from YouTube. Again trying to catch attention with mimimi on internet! And this is sad, you know?! First of all, it’s absolutely surreal a racist and homophobic man be the president of the Commission on Human Rights and Minorities. Then, at least in my opinion, a politician should busy himself creating projects to help and support people! Unfortunately, many believers support him. And, as I said before, Dilma Rousseff made alliances with ultraconservative people. This is bad for the country. Fanatic religious people have no sense of humor or sense of respect. So, I think I’m doing my part telling you about this episode and also sharing the video! With English subtitles! Yay! Smile

Watch it and judge it yourself, my dear reader! Is it offensive or disrespectful? Isn’t it? It’s up to you to decide! If you want, leave a comment or email me and let’s talk about it! We build up democracy giving to people the right to think by themselves and make choices by themselves. Marco Feliciano does not represent me. Against black people, the LGBT community, social movements, feminists and, now, also humor!

I just wonder how would a world made by fanatic religious people look like. It’s better to avoid to imagine it!

Stay tuned, my dear readers! music_azulVocês serão abençoados / Porque o Senhor já derramou o seu amor / Derrama, Senhor! / Derrama, Senhor! / Derrama sobre eles seu amor! music_azul


segunda-feira, 19 de agosto de 2013

Multi Maiden drops: Everybody’s everything.


Hiya there, people! Alegre How are you doing? I’m tired. Do you think it’s easy to be an independent woman? No no, it’s not Nhé-nhé. I’m writing this post and cooking the dinner, at the same time! 0fb67d41It means that I need to be in the kitchen every now and then to check the food. The smell is great! ^^ And I’m starving! It’s cold here in São Paulo (+13C) and I’m wearing my neon striped scarf! Yes, I have a neon scarf. Yellow, blue, orange, green and pink mini_gifs84. Knitted by me. And you know what?! I’m looking good! Polegar para cimaI don’t know if I would be brave enough to wear this scarf outside, but it was made to be worn at home. Do you also have clothes to wear at home only? …

Well, I’m too tired to write a long and meaningful post, but don’t wanna leave you without news, so here is a drops! Chatting with a friend about guitarists, I said to him that my favorite is Carlos Santana. No Jimi Hendrix, Joe Satriani or Steve Vai. Carlos Santana! music_azulBecause he’s not only a guitarist. He’s a mage! His music is alive, it communicates with us! It’s impossible to listen to Carlos Santana and stay still. Well, I can’t! There’s so much energy, sensuality and spirituality in his music that … it’s magic! minibrilhoI remember that Oye Como Va was the first song by Carlos Santana that I listened to, when I was a kid. My obvious, spontaneous reaction was to dance! I fell in love with that vibe back then.

Then, in my teen years, an Italian friend recorded to me, in a tape (a tape!!!!Smiley surpreso) an album by Carlos Santana called Supernatural. I found myself listening to it, you have no idea! My close friends relate Santana’s music to me. I listen to everything by him and love it!mini_gifs23Carlos Santana is from Mexico, but his music is about all Latin America! Our joy, mysticism, sensuality is there, in his magic guitar! I feel his songs, there’s something about them, they create a whole atmosphere around me and I don’t need to use drugs to feel it! Nhé-nhéThere’s a message in his music: life is beautiful! Life’s magical! So, get up, dance, sing, feel the vibe, kiss your boyfriend or girlfriend, enjoy the moment!

So, I decided to share a song by him with you. I love many of them and if I was one of his songs, I would be Black Magic Woman. But Everybody’s Everything (1971) has such a positive vibration, that I had to choose it! My body reacts to this song immediately! It probably will happen to you too, my dear reader! So, let it flow! Alegre

I’ll be back. Stay tuned! And listen to Carlos Santana!


sábado, 17 de agosto de 2013

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (made in Brazil).

Good morning, my dear readers! Alegre How is your weekend going so far? Here, at Multi Maiden’s cute fortress, everything’s fine! It’s a cloudy and cold morning (+14C), of a typical day to be at home, lazing. I would be on my bed, knitting under the blankets, but I need to update this blog, right?! And I need to share something with you!

As you already know, I live in a tropical country, blessed by God and beautiful by nature. We have a female president for the first time in our History, Mrs. Dilma Rousseff. She’s from the same party of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (the legend): PT (Partido dos TrabalhadoresWorkers’ Party), a left (huahuahuahuahuahuahua!!!! th_nana028  ) party. Her government, so far, is marked by a deep disrespect for social movements and minorities and strange alliances with ultraconservative people and parties, despite of all the benefits given to poor people. And last week, during a visit to Varginha, a city with about 124 thousand habitants, in Minas Gerais (southeast state), she said something really amazing. So amazing, that I still don’t know if I cry, laugh, move to Jupiter or isolate myself in a Buddhist temple in Tibet. Those episodes, my dear reader, make me think that I don’t live in a country. I live in a huge psychiatric hospital. But before to tell you what our president said, I need to introduce the subject. Let me inroduce, my dear reader! I promise I’ll be kind! Smiley de boca aberta

Do you believe in aliens? Alienígena Have you ever seen an UFO? Have you ever been abducted? I think that it’s too much arrogance to believe that we are alone in this endless universe. What do we know about it? But it sounds weird to me that the most of people believe that aliens look like us, I mean, they have two eyes, two arms, two legs and some of them speak English! Smiley surpreso This is a huge lack of imagination, at least! Anyways, I’ve never seen an alien in my life. I’ve never seen an UFO either. And, honestly, I don’t take stories about people who lived these experiences too seriously. It’s really hard to say what’s reality what’s imagination, when it comes to something we don’t know. But there are many people in this world who really do researches about the subject! Others swear they have met aliens. Like two sisters in Varginha, in 1996. They swear they saw a short and brown creature, with a big head and red eyes, who didn’t look like a human being at all. According to the local authorities, it was an alien and not the only one who decided to visit Varginha back then. People swear they saw UFOs in the sky …

I was a teenager and remember that every single tv channel showed reports, interviews and documentaries about o ET de Varginha (the alien from Varginha). I got tired of the subject back then! IrritadoBut, of course, the city became famous because of this. The truth is that nobody can say if aliens really visited Varginha in 1996. When people drink too much or use drugs, they see fairies, gnomes, unicorns, dwarves and also UFOs and aliens! adopt-aurorabluNobody can say if the alien from Varginha is real. But many people made money and became famous because of this. The city itself became a tour spot thanks to this story. I prefer to believe that this alien is part of our folklore. Something in me refuses to believe that aliens look like us! If God (I believe in God, but, to me, it’s a principle, not a man) made so many different creatures only in this planet, why the hell aliens would look like us?! I want to believe that they are much prettier!


Flying saucer in Varginha. Actually, it’s a water tank …


Ok. Now that you already know about Varginha and its alien, let’s get back to Dilma Rousseff and her inspired sentences. As I told you before, last week, she visited Varginha, in Minas Gerais and gave an interview to the local radio stations. And she said (this is not a literal translation, but almost):

“First, I would like to say to you that I have a lot of respect for the alien from Varginha, And I know that here, who didn’t see him, knows someone who did it or has some relative who did it. Anyway, I start [this interview] saying that my respect for the alien from Varginha is guaranteed.”


Dilma Rousseff: looking for flying saucers in the sky.


** embarassed silence **

If you didn’t understand, my dear reader, read what Dilma said again. She has a lot of respect for the alien from Varginha. She’s the president of a country and said that she has a lot of respect for the alien from Varginha! And she said: “(…) I know that here, who didn’t see him, knows someone who did it or has some relative who did it.” (I loved that part!) A whole city united in the name of the alien from Varginha!Alienígenalol GargalhandoSome people (who I call sensitive souls) said that it was a joke. Maybe. Anyway, is it an expected behaviour from the president of a nation?! I mean, we not even know if this alien exists and our president says in an interview that she has a lot of respect for him (is it a boy? Smiley confuso)?! Am I too stressed lately or this country is too bizarre?! Ok, the alien is a symbol of Varginha. The local mayor even wants to build up a museum about the incident. The construction is stopped for three years. But … is a local legend that relevant? I still think that what our president said is amazing. And when I say amazing, I mean bizarre! She has a lot of respect for the alien from Varginha. I would like to know if he’s happy about it  (let’s suppose that it’s a boy) …



The alien from Varginha (according to descriptions): a very respectable guy.

(sigh) That’s it, my dear readers! I live in a country where the president says that she has a lot of respect for an alien! And we not even know if he really came to Brazil in 1996! Don’t try to understand it. It’s impossible!

Now I need to go. There’s a warm bed waiting for me! Maybe a pair of knitting needles and some yarn too. Stay tuned! The truth is out there. In Varginha, to be more precise.




quinta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2013

Luna’s creation process or she writes in mysterious ways.

Good eveningmini_gifs187mini102

Have you ever felt blocked, not due to a lack of things to share and say, but due an excess, my dear reader? Have you ever felt that you have a rich and diverse universe inside of you, but when it comes to transform it into words, you just can’t make it? emo_p1_04I’ve been feeling this way, lately: blocked. Lack of subjects or things to share has never been a problem, to me. Once, a penpal said to me that I can make the weather forecast sounds interesting. Awww! This is really flattering!mini_gifs84By the way, it’s very cold today here in São Paulo. +13C at present. I have a few friends who will laugh at this, like how can I call this temperature cold?! But, hey! I live in a tropical country, blessed by God and beautiful by nature (this is the literal translation of the first lines of a very famous Brazilian song, called País TropicalTropical Country). Think about palm trees, coconut water, beaches, waterfalls, watermelon juice, tropical fruits, my dear reader! Think about my cinnamon skin (actually, don’t do it!!!! Embarrassed smile). Does this paradise fit to +13C? Gotcha! figielekI’m not complaining, though. I was even thinking about to write a post about our Winter (before it ends!), but … where’s my inspiration? I don’t know if it’s a matter of inspiration. As I told you before (here), writing is an exercise, a matter of discipline. I don’t have the Greek muses to help me. At least, I don’t have their number. Do you know if I can find them on Facebook, Skype, Twitter, my dear reader? Probably nowadays they have a company with many employees from Third World countries working in call centers! mini104 Can you imagine that? A desperate writer, blocked or out of inspiration calls to a company. A person who understands nothing about his/her job (that’s what happens to low paid and poorly trained workers. Yes, I am being cruel. I’m not here only to please you, my dear reader, but also to tease you. Take it as an invitation to meditate about this crazy world! Sarcastic smile) answers the call. Of course, before the writer waits for an eternity, listening to Jesus Joy Of Man’s Desiring, by Bach. When someone finally answers the call:

Writer: - Good evening! Can I talk to the Greek muses, please? Actually, if I can talk to just one of them, it’s enough!

Employee: - This is a call center. And I’m Maria da Conceição, how can I help you?

Writer: - Well … I … feel a little blocked, you know, it’s something very subjective actually, maybe I’m too stressed and tired …

Employee (cutting the writer’s words): - We suggest a few subjects which always work in every type of writing: weather; gossip about other people’s lives (have you ever tried celebrities?); complaints about your own life or any other type of egocentrism (try to post lots of pictures of what you ate yesterday!); politics (you need to say that every politician is a thief, this is very popular!); tv.

Writer: - Well … Actually, my problem is a little deeper. I have things to say and share but feel blocked somehow, you know … I tried to meditate and light a candle to the Catholic saint who protects the writers, but there’s no consensus about who the hell he or she is, so, I lighted a candle to all the saints. It didn’t work …

Employee (annoyed): - Unfortunately we don’t have a solution to your problem, this company thanks you for your call, have a nice day!

Writer: … (mini_gifs68mini_gifs72)


Well, I think it wouldn’t work to call the Greek muses or their call center … da Maybe I just need to write. Yes, planning is absolutely necessary, but you only learn how to write, writing. It’s actually much easier to follow a pattern and write about only a few subjects. Maybe my blog would be about music, if I decided to choose the easy path. I listen to Brazilian music every single day and want to share songs with you every single day mini_gifs130 But I like the unexpected! … This is funny because I feel distressed, this universe of possibilities (subjects, songs, pictures, videos, experiences) drives me absolutely insane! toin Even if I plan my posts, I only have a pale idea of them. Believe me: this is terrible! But exciting and fascinating at the same time! SmileOf course, I’m sorry for my delay. Sometimes my life doesn’t allow me to have some fun here, but my creation process is mysterious and chaotic, anyway! I’m never sure about the results! And probably I felt blocked because I wanted, for some reason, to be someone I am not: an organized and predictable writer. Someone who knows what to say. Sometimes, I don’t. Sometimes I don’t know how to say. But, isn’t it cool? Let’s face it, my dear reader: you come to this blog exactly because you don’t know what will you find! And, let’s face it, Luna: you write this blog exactly because you don’t know how the post will look like!

Yes, I am mysterious tres_brilhos. Maybe my name explains that: Luna. I also have a hidden face. And I’m changeable. Maybe Astrology explains that: I’m an Aquarius and my rising sign is also Aquarius th_06720k2_06(we will always be the ones who will surprise you, unless you’re an Aquarius too!). But anyway, I will never be organized and sometimes I will plan a thing and write something completely different! So, I think I can overcome this situation of feeling blocked. This blog is just like me: mysterious. You come here exactly because of this! Winking smileWill I write about Winter? Will I write about folklore? Will I show you some pics? Who knows? I don’t. This blog doesn’t have a screenplay, it follows my moony moods! I have many things to say and share, but I’ll let everything flow! That’s what makes this blog unique! And that’s why you like it! So, stay tuned, my dear reader! I’ll come back with more mystery to you! mini_gifs155



P.S.: Since I’m also a belly dancer, I decided to share this song with you guys! I move in mysterious ways too!
