HelloHow are you doing? First of all, I would like to share a worry with you guys: for some reason, my animated gifs are not working and I don’t understand that much about about blog layouts, to solve this problem by myself
. I’m planning to hire someone to develop a personalized template to this blog, but I’d like to see my animated gifs working here, before! If someone can help me, I’ll be very happy and grateful! …
Well. It’s a sunny and pleasant Winter morning and I should be working, but don’t have much to do for now and decided to take the opportunity to update this blog. Many unexplainable things happen in my country and I try to write about them here with some sarcasm, because it’s healthier don’t take them very seriously. But, of course, sometimes I need to consider them seriously, because they’re worrying! When people lose the ability to deal with differences, and take everything as a personal offense, we don’t have a civilization anymore. And I’m afraid this is happening in Brazil. So, this post won’t be that funny, but I’ll do my best to make some jokes!
First, let me explain what’s mimimi. Brazilian slang for the act of complaining endlessly and without a real reason about something or someone . When a person complains too much about irrelevant problems, we say: Ele/ela está de mimimi! Of course, we all have the right to express how unsatisfied we feel about something or someone. But mimimi is a childish attitude, usually from people who are never satisfied. Some of them become mimimi experts! And, of course, they want to catch attention. There’s a politician (congressman) in Brazil who’s a great example of mimimi expert: Marco Feliciano. He’s also a neo-pentecostal priest. And now I’ll say something that probably will shock you, but if you’re used to visit this blog, you already know that I live in a bizarre country: Marco Feliciano is explicitly racist and homophobic and … is the president of the Commission on Human Rights and Minorities, in Brasília, seat of the federal government!
Yes! A racist and homophobic man is the president of the Commission on Human Rights and Minorities, of our Chamber of Deputies!
We, Brazilian people are funny, don’t you think?!
Unfortunately, this is not a joke. And Marco Feliciano is a great user of social networks, especially Twitter (no, I still don’t have a Twitter account!). He takes every opportunity he has to say disgusting things against minorities and his favorite target is the LGBT community. He says that homosexuality is something against God’s will. Well. If God created all of us, he also created the LGBT community, right?!
How can God be against His (Christians believe that God is a man) creatures?! If He loves us all … it seems there’s something wrong about Marco Feliciano!
He’s childish and celebrates each notoriety he gets thanks to his comments and attitudes! He’s extremely rejected by many of us. Social movements, the LGBT community and people in general don’t lose a chance to show him that he’s a complete … prick. But, we have two problems: he was appointed by our President (Dilma Rousseff, who has a lot of respect for aliens) and there’s a lot of fanatic religious people in Brazil who support him!
I must say that I have nothing against Christians or religious people in general. I’m not religious myself, but believe in God and try to develop my spirituality . If I had to choose a religious path, I would be Buddhist. But religions were made by human beings and – hellooo!!!! – we are not owners of the truth! I don’t want to believe in a God who teaches people to hate who’s different and imposes only one path to everyone. That’s what many neo-pentecostal people think. And, believe me, my dear reader, this is becoming a war, in Brazil! Fanatic religious people against the rest of us! They are so absolutely intolerant and closed in their conceptions, that it’s impossible to have a conversation with them! Of course, some neo-pentecostal people are nice, open-minded and remember that Jesus came to this planet to teach us how to love, but the fanatic ones ruin the reputation of all the groups! Especially because their leaders are mercenaries who build up churches to get rich thanks to the contributions of the believers! Marco Feliciano is not a believer. Nobody needs to look at his face twice to be sure of that. No no, I won’t post his picture here! This is a cute blog!
I won’t ruin it!
If you are curious, search for his pic on Google Images! Good luck! … He’s not a believer. He’s a mercenary and opportunist. He wants fame! He wants conflict with everyone!
As I wrote before, he’s a mimimi expert! And his last mimimi is against a group of very talented Brazilian comedians, called Porta dos Fundos (Backdoor). These comedians are internet celebrities; every Monday and Thursday they upload a new video on YouTube. Intelligent humor, very very good! I really like their videos.
Last Monday, they decided to upload a video which makes jokes about religious fanaticism. Let me explain: some Christian people (the video mentions Jesus) believe that, sometimes, Jesus’ image appears somewhere. On a rock. On the floor of a house. On a french fries pack. When it happens, the place where Jesus’ image was painted by supernatural hands, becomes a place of worship immediately. Lots of believers go there to pray, light candles and make wishes. Of course, nobody can prove anything about these images. Do they exist? Don’t they exist? Who knows?! Anyway, believers are so fanatic that they worship everything related to their gods, no matter how nonsense is the situation. The video by Porta dos Fundos is exactly about this! A completely nonsense situation (they love to explore the nonsense) with a little bit of criticism: a woman goes to the gynecologist to routine medical examinations, but the doctor gets impressed when he finds Jesus’ image on her private parts! He calls everybody to see the miracle and suddenly a lot of people start to pray, light candles, sing religious songs and make wishes. While the poor woman is there, with legs wide open. I laughed a lot when I watched the video! Of course, it’s a little provocative the place where Jesus’ image appeared. But this video is not offensive at all! Only fanatic religious people got offended. The video is not against Jesus Christ or his believers; it’s only a nonsense situation involving something that really happens in real life!
But, of course, priest (and prick) Marco Feliciano took the opportunity to say that he will try to remove the video from YouTube. Again trying to catch attention with mimimi on internet! And this is sad, you know?! First of all, it’s absolutely surreal a racist and homophobic man be the president of the Commission on Human Rights and Minorities. Then, at least in my opinion, a politician should busy himself creating projects to help and support people! Unfortunately, many believers support him. And, as I said before, Dilma Rousseff made alliances with ultraconservative people. This is bad for the country. Fanatic religious people have no sense of humor or sense of respect. So, I think I’m doing my part telling you about this episode and also sharing the video! With English subtitles! Yay!
Watch it and judge it yourself, my dear reader! Is it offensive or disrespectful? Isn’t it? It’s up to you to decide! If you want, leave a comment or email me and let’s talk about it! We build up democracy giving to people the right to think by themselves and make choices by themselves. Marco Feliciano does not represent me. Against black people, the LGBT community, social movements, feminists and, now, also humor!
I just wonder how would a world made by fanatic religious people look like. It’s better to avoid to imagine it!
Stay tuned, my dear readers! Vocês serão abençoados / Porque o Senhor já derramou o seu amor / Derrama, Senhor! / Derrama, Senhor! / Derrama sobre eles seu amor!