segunda-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2013

Multi Maiden drops: New Year’s Eve song


Dear readers, dear readers, 2013 is almost over mini_gifs76 . I’m enjoying (?) an sleepless night, listening to Brazilian music and thinking about my life. It was an extreme year. Not one of my favorites, I must say. But I also lived great experiences and met awesome people! mini_gifs84 What did I learn? Especially to love myself mini_gifs82. I’m still learning, actually. It takes time. I learned that no matter how terrible people are to you, it worth it to be kind, peaceful, caring and good-hearted mini_gifs155 . There’s something in this life (at least according to my beliefs) called karma. It means that everything you do, comes back to you. Sooner or later. And don’t think that God will punish you. You will punish yourself. Evil people are lonely, unhappy and frustrated. Guess why?! This year I felt ridiculous sometimes, because I was nice to shitty people. But my brother said to me: “You were yourself, they were themselves.” It makes sense. Of course, I thought about revenge a thousand times mini_gifs68. But it’s better to let everything flow. Don’t think I’m wise. I’m trying to be!

On 2013 I started this blog. I’m not completely satisfied about it and I explain why: I didn’t write as much as I would like to, here mini026 . Many things happened. Too many things happened! So, if I can make a wish tres_brilhos, I would like to post more nice and interesting stuff on Multi Maiden next year! There are many ideas on my mind 32. But I honestly consider myself a hero, because I got back to this blog! Polegar para cimaI want to make it better, anyway.

I got in touch with many people. And it’s impressive how much you learn about yourself dealing with other people! I think my personality needs some improvements. Basically I need to be stronger. This year I started to openly defend my principles and some people didn’t like it at all. I had to deal with many childish reactions th_siro07 . It happens when you decide to be yourself. At the same time, I’ve never seen so many people like me before!  Smiley surpreso There’s nothing new about what I’m saying but many people choose to hide who they really are and live a comfortable life. When you decide to be yourself, the pain and the pleasure are definitely bigger! I honestly don’t care about how many people think I’m not cool(especially because I usually have the same opinion about them). I don’t want to be popular, I want to be happy mini_gifs165. I was popular at college, but it was a different era. Popularity back then meant charisma. Nowadays it means how many likes do you get on Facebook. And I am not a Facebook person.

2013 was very hard in many senses. But I could learn from all the bad experiences. I didn’t change or became bitter because I suffered. Maybe I am more silent. Less impulsive. And in the end, I would like to thank all the shitty people I’ve met! They were great teachers! They showed me that I’m on the right way. I hope you, my dear reader, can also think about that, if you met some shitty people this year. What can you learn from them? Maybe you need to be wiser and avoid that type of people. Maybe you need to love yourself a little more. Anything happens in our lives without a reason! If 2013 was hard to you, believe that you always can rebuild your life! Everything will be ok (right, Luna?!). Nothing exactly changes on New Year’s Day, but there’s a strong energy in the air which encourages us to start again! So, don’t be afraid to try. Make your wishes come true! I will do my best to be a better person on 2014. Because I could learn from my mistakes. And to all the evil guys and girls who made me cry and tried to destroy me, I have a message: it didn’t work Nhé-nhé. So, I have a song for you:




terça-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2013

Brazilian Christmas–Part 1


And so this is Christmas, my dear readers?! Christmas Eve, actually. Véspera de Natal, in Portuguese. How are you? Hope fine. I’m fine. It’s always good to have the chance to be with the ones I love, that’s why Christmas means something to me! mini_gifs23 I’m not Christian or Catholic, I’m not a religious person and think that, nowadays, Christmas has lost its original meaning. I mean, it doesn’t look like a religious celebration anymore, despite some symbols related to Jesus Christ, like the Christmas crib. By the way, I’ve always thought that there’s something special about Jesus Christ’s birth. Isn’t it a magical story? An angel came to his mother, to tell her that she would give birth to a very special person (with a very tough destiny), who would influence humanity. Deeply. This woman, her husband and baby had to escape from the hate of a powerful man, who feared to lose his kingdom and wanted every baby or little boy to be killed. Jesus Christ was born in a crib in the middle of nowhere. A star, star of Bethlehem, announced his birth and three wise men, from different parts of this planet, followed the star to give gifts to that special baby tres_brilhos . Each gift had a symbolic, spiritual meaning. This is just amazing! I don’t know if it really happened or not, but it’s a great story!

Many (bitter) people say that Christmas is just another commercial holiday. Is it a news? Capitalists will take each opportunity they have to take money from us and increase their profit. We, the 99%, give meaning to everything, not the great corporations. So, Christmas can be something more than a commercial holiday. Maybe I live in a parallel universe, but my family and friends didn’t talk to me about expensive gifts. We are mostly adults and when you grow up, gifts get rare. Not to me, of course. I like to give and receive gifts, but usually I think about handmade stuff, at least to give. Just to show to my loved ones that I love them, care about them. That’s why I like Christmas cards! Families with kids maybe are more faithful to traditions, so there are many gifts. But I know that many people feel happy enough to be with their loved ones and enjoy some nice dishes. 


Here in Brazil, Christmas is not that different from the North Hemisphere one. And this is bizarre. No, I have nothing against the White Christmas, but if you find a snowflake somewhere in my country right now, I’ll give you an expensive gift! 20041112_05It’s Summer in Brazil sol. Snowmen would melt and the poor guys who get an extra cash working as Santa Claus, are probably cursing the heat right now! cute_cao_41Brazil was a colony of Portugal from the 16th to the 19th century. Many of our traditions came from Europe. And for many years we were deeply influenced by the United States, especially by their entertainment industry. I know it happened to many other countries, but it makes sense to Northern countries to have Santa Claus, reindeers, snowmen, snowflakes, hearty food, etc., as symbols. We, Brazilian people, maybe didn’t have time or conditions to think about our own way to celebrate Christmas. And this is sad! All my childhood memories related to Christmas are about sweating at night, before the dinner, because there was something in the oven. I’ve never believed in Santa Claus. My mother would never let me and my brother believe in Santa Claus. She was a social worker. It means she got in touch with many poor kids who would never receive a visit of an old man full of gifts (maybe the lack of chimneys can explain it …). I’ve always known that mom and dad were responsible for the gifts. And, believe me, I was a very healthy kid! Actually, my friends back then didn’t believe in Santa Claus either. Adults usually don’t believe that kids are smart. Kids see dozens of Santa Claus, in different shapes. Some of them are thin. Some are black, Asian. They feel that there’s something strange. Kids don’t see Santa Claus as a symbol. That’s why they feel uncomfortable with this diversity. And when they see that Santa Claus doesn’t visit poor kids, they feel very very sad! Don’t get me wrong, my dear reader. I don’t want to ruin your Christmas! But … am I lying? I honestly don’t like Santa Claus. Many kids fear him and their parents obligate them to take pictures with him! Adults think that they know what is the best for kids. If only they could hear them, they would get surprised!

I like the idea that Christmas gifts are made by elves, dwarves, what the hell are they? Those tiny creatures with pointed ears … They make traditional, old-fashioned toys and I think this is pretty charming! Smile They don’t make Playstations, they make toy trainsmini_gifs184mini_gifs_evelyns_place639Anyway, some Brazilian kids believe in Santa Claus and even write letters to him. But I think this is an old-fashioned belief.


We usually join our family on Christmas and have a dinner with a lot of food. Really! The main ones are peru (turkey), chester (a “special” type of poultry with an oversized chest). tender (a type of ham), different types of roasted meat, farofa (a typical Brazilian dish, made with corn and/or cassava flour, onion, garlic, veggies and/or meat. I am a “farofa expert” and I’ll do my best to give you more details about this dish tomorrow!), maionese (another Brazilian dish. It’s not only mayonnaise, but mayonnaise with veggies and, sometimes, meat, usually chicken, ham or tuna fish), rice, salty pie. At middle and upper class houses, there’s a big diversity of dishes and desserts. That’s why women usually feel a little guilty after Christmas, here! Winking smileWe also eat nuts, almonds and a very traditional Italian sweet bread called panetone. The traditional one is filled with fruits and raisins, but nowadays there are many varieties of panetone, including salty ones. The ones filled with chocolate are quite popular!

Many families have a dinner on Christmas Eve and a lunch on Christmas. The dinner is much more traditional. We do Christmas decorations and some of them, at places like banks and shopping centers become tour spots, many people visit them to take pictures. Our Christmas decoration is quite similar to the North Hemisphere one: Santa Claus, snowmen, snowflakes, wreaths, Christmas trees, socks. We exchange gifts. At some places, especially companies, we play amigo secreto (literally secret friend, but I think that hidden friend would express better what does it mean). We pick up a name in the middle of many others in a bowl and buy a gift only to this person. But we don’t reveal which is our hidden friend until the day we exchange the gifts. A nice way to save money, I guess. My family doesn’t play amigo secreto.


I hope I could give you some useful information about our Christmas! Now I need to go to kitchen, to help my godmother to cook! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy the company of the ones you love! And a little bit of good food too! Winking smile

FELIZ NATAL! Stay tuned. And have a good time!




domingo, 22 de dezembro de 2013

Is happiness a sin?

Hello, olá! minisomWipe your tears, my dear readers, here I am! tres_brilhosHow are you doing? Summer started yesterday in Brazil and it seems I’m in a solar mood, so, I decided to update this blog after centuries of silence! sol Yes, I’m fine. Does my heart still ache? Yes. But life goes on and I have many reasons to feel happy. By the way, I will write about happiness.

Some people are discriminated because their look is not according to some patterns. Some others, because of their ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, music taste. Everything can be an excuse. Because the ones who discriminate and bully are unhappy, frustrated and cannot accept the diversity of humanity figielek . The problem is that humanity will always be diverse (I think I don’t need to warn my smart readers about it, but this sentence contains irony!) and life’s getting harder to bullies and bigots, because people who used to me ashamed to be who they really are, are changing their minds!

As you already know, I’m a woman mini132. I’m also black, mixed and South American. According to some (stupid) people, I belong to four “minorities”. And, yes, I’ve already heard a lot of bullshit (Ops! Sorry …) because of this. But the main reason for me to be discriminated has nothing to do with gender, ethnicity and nationality. I’ve always been discriminated because I’m happy  th_06516k1_02. Rainbows are very happy things, don’t you think?! *lol*

Are you shocked? How many happy people do you know? What’s happiness in your opinion, my dear reader? (Philosophy homework. Please, send me your answers by email!) This is very personal, I know. But some people just feel fine to be alive and find many reasons to smile. I am one of this people. “I’m only human, of flash and bones I’m made” (Have you ever heard this cheesy song? If you’re around my age, probably …). I feel sad (take a look at my previous post), depressed, hopeless. But I’ll always find a reason to smile! Don’t ask me why or how. I’m alive and think this is a blessing. Despite of all the terrible human beings I’ve met, I still love people and think this is a beautiful world. Sunny days touch me. Rainy days touch me. There’s beauty everywhere. I have food to eat, clean water to drink, a job, a nice apartment to live in, a family, great friends. I’m good looking and super humble th_nana028. Happiness to me is to feel in peace, no matter what happens. I relate happiness to inner peace, to that capacity that we have to see beyond the limitations. Sometimes I can’t be in peace, but I always respect my moments. Beyond all the pain, there’s a reason to live. Maybe my beliefs help me to have this vision. I’m spiritualistic, very influenced by the Buddhism. If you are kind to the world, sooner or later it will come back to you. Everything you give, my dear reader, comes back to you! I just can’t be depressive, unhappy, frustrated. Sad, sometimes. But never the kind of person that puts everyone down. At present, I’m listening to music. a beautiful Brazilian song called Dois Rios (Two Rivers), by Skank, my favorite Brazilian band. It’s a love song, one of the most beautiful lyrics I’ve ever seen! If I pay attention at this song, I will cry. Because beauty touches me! music_azulReally. And I feel happy because I understand, deeply, what beauty means! Usually when I listen to Brazilian music, I smile and say: “Que lindo!” (“What a beautiful thing!”). I honestly think I don’t have the right to be in a bad mood with so many beautiful things in this world, just waiting for my attention! Again: I’m human. To be in a bad mood happens to me, too. But it’s rare. It explains why did all my friends get desperate during my previous relationship. I stopped to smile and feel pleasure.

I can’t be rude to people. I can’t complain, only if I’m too sad or upset. I can’t hate. I can’t think that other human beings are inferior or my enemies just because they look different or have other beliefs. All my things are cute and colorful. I usually only have good and positive things to share. I’m ironic and sarcastic, but if you pay attention at my words, you will see love behind them. I am made of love th_h161106_02. And believe me, I’ve always been discriminated because of this! Here in Brazil, this “cheerful country”, where dozens of people are killed a day without a reason. A lot of Brazilian people are not cheerful and lovely, ok?! Forget this stereotype. And, for a strange reason, unhappy people hate happy people. If you don’t think that life is a complete shit, they will try to destroy you! First you will be ridiculed. Then, attacked. If you survive, they will leave you alone. I survived. At college, I met a woman and she gave me a very cute nickname: princesa alegre (cheerful princess) th_0212h2_07 . Her goal was to ridicule me, she hated me. I am really cheerful and so many people call me “princess”, since I was a baby, that I’m starting to believe that there must be some royal blood in my veins. Maybe mom had an affair with prince Charles and didn’t want to tell me. She was probably drunk, but it doesn’t matter. Maybe I have a place in the British Royalty and I’m here in Brazil, my dear readers, working to survive! This is so absolutely unfair! … (Wait! I’ll wipe my tears …) But, yes, “princess”, in this case, means spoiled, alienated, stupid. Daddy called me princess too! But he was my king, so, that’s ok!^^

Spoiled I am. By everybody. Or almost. Some people don’t want to cooperate, it’s terrible … Rolling on the floor laughing I don’t know if I have an explanation. But should I refuse to be spoiled? If people like to be kind to me, they have a reason: I’m kind to them. Maybe I’m cute, too, and it helps me. So what?! I really like to be spoiled! By the way, spoil me too, my dear readers! You will be rewarded Smile. Should I feel sad because people are good to me?! Should I call them names? It doesn’t happen to everybody, but it’s not my fault. Some people are rude to others and want love in return! Some people don’t want to be loved or cuddled. I want. I’m not stupid! And I honestly believe that if there were more loving people in this world, life would be much better! And, hey! Not even Mrs. Princess here escape to be treated like rubbish sometimes, ok?!

Alienated. I’ll skip this one. I don’t need to hate everybody to have a critical vision of society.

Stupid. LOL

My universe is made of pretty thingsth_12826  . You can see it by this blog. And I’ve not even started to share my universe with you here! Maybe I felt intimidated somehow. When people try to convince you that you’re wrong because you’re happy, you need to struggle to keep your principles. At college, I realized that cuteness can be rebellion too. When I noticed that my way to be was irritating to unhappy people, I confess I became cuter. My homework was cute, full of drawings and stickers, ask my Italian teacher! Ask my classmates. Some people reacted bad. But many people smiled. Cuteness can be futileness. Yes, I agree. When I see some Hello Kitty fans, I think about to move to Mars. But, at least, they are loving. Hello Kitty is cute, face it! And if someone loves you, babe, you will smile when you see her! th_0721h_006I am not exactly a Hello Kitty fan (well, I know, I have no alibis, my home is a Hello Kitty fortress, but hey! I don’t spend all my money on it!). But I love her. And sometimes I need to hear some “funny” comment about it. By strangers who think they are so nice because they’re bitter. And I have an excellent answer. Or question: “Do I pay my Hello Kitty items with your money?” Money means a lot to bitter adults! Cuteness means love too. Beauty. I like it!

I’m not childish because my way to express myself is cute and loving. I don’t need to offend your mother, my dear reader, if I disagree with you (here in Brazil, mothers are the main victims of offenses!). I don’t need to be rude. I am sweet. I can’t help it! I am educated, I hardly say bad words. Once I had an affair with a guy and he used to piss me off dozens of times a day because I didn’t say bad words. Which is unfair, because I called him a thousand names in my mind … I don’t need to be gross, arrogant, rude. This year was particularly difficult to me because I had to face the most terrible people I’ve ever met. And all of them wanted to punish me because I’m happy, cute and sweet. I am considered “weak” by some “progressive” people, for instance, because I don’t need to kill who have different opinions. I think that other human beings are not my enemies. They can be unbearable, of course, but I just need to stay away from them. And be loving with the ones who are open to this!

Could you understand me? It’s complicated to talk about my own emotions. On 2013 I had to be very strong to keep my principles. I made nice friends, got in touch with lovely people (special thanks to my brother and close friends, to Harri, Jarmo, Dennis, Michael, Felippe, André, Ashley, Anna-Maria, Matti and all the great people I had the luck to meet this year!), but I also experienced a real hell in my life. I met very unhappy people. Rude, frustrated. And, for a strange reason, they believe that they are the owners of the revolution. Well, if we see revolution as destruction, yes, they are right. Only hate, unhappiness and frustration can destroy. But I believe in a real revolution. Made by love. Dear reader, you are alive. You can read. You have a whole world at your disposal. I’ve always written this on my blog! Life is precious, it’s a blessing! Listen to good music, enjoy a good company, hug your family and friends, say to them that you care! Smile when you see cute things or people! Be kind! Stop complaining, start thanking! Stop hating, nothing will change because you hate! But love can transform everything! I want to start a revolution, actually, I’ve already started it. Being who I am against all odds. Once, an ex-boyfriend said to me: “It’s impressive that you can still smile, despite what you lived!” Yes, I can. Because life is bigger than pain. Because sunny days are beautiful. Because estrogonofe de legumes is good. Because (some) men are hot. Because kids are cute. Because music is amazing and Hello Kitty is lovely and Luna is a bright light shining upon the darkness!

For the complete desperation of my “enemies”, I’m still happy. Still cute. Still sweet. Still a princess. A Disney princess. The gates of my pink castle are open to the ones who have love in their hearts, so, welcome, if it’s your case! th_06710h1_04nI promise to be unbearably cute from now on! This is my way to protest. I’m tired of a world made of rude, evil and boring people! I’m starting a revolution, comrades! Don’t be a pain in the ass, be loving! Don’t ask people to avoid you, be kind! Shut the f*** up about how unhappy you are and look around you! Stop discriminating happy people because they will rule the world! And you will be slaves obligated to make Hello Kitty dolls all day long, listening to cheerful camp songs!


That’s all for today. I will be back. Stay tuned. And be happy!

Luna Wotansson, Princess and blogger.

Lenny Kravitz, this masterpiece of Mother Nature, said in a song, everything I want to say for the rest of my life. Enjoy!

And here the lyrics:

sexta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2013

Women who love too much.

** Warning: this is a very personal post. I need your understanding, affection and support now, my dear readers! I will be ok, but, before, I need to mend a broken heart! **

I’m not the kind of person who talks about her private life. I think it’s my business, don’t want to annoy people with endless stories about my privacy. But, sometimes, it’s necessary to go beyond my limits and open my heart. As a writer, I know that writing about my pain, I can maybe help people who are living the same situation. At least to me it’s a relief to read something about a hard moment I’m also going through. So, I’ll try to say a few words about what’s happening in my life and keep in mind that many other women, all over this world, are facing or trying to overcome this problem. Let’s talk about violence, my dear readers.

Violence is not only a physical attack. This is an extreme type of violence. Words hurt too. Verbal violence or verbal abuse is part of the life of many women all over this planet, who hear, from their boyfriends, husbands, etc., every type of harsh and offensive words. As a feminist, I agree that men are violent to women especially because of cultural reasons. And we, women, are taught to be quiet and bear everything in the name of a love that actually doesn’t exist. Yes, I’m talking about relationships. I had a boyfriend. I was in a long distance relationship for half an year. It was like a roller coaster and, as I said to a friend once, I used to go from heaven to hell in a matter of hours. It doesn’t matter where or how have we met. Everything happened very fast! We had a crush on each other, then we fell in love, then we started to chat and talk by Skype more than twice a day, every single day! But my castle was made of sand and the waves, little by little, destroyed it. My ex-boyfriend has a problem: alcohol and drug abuse, plus some psychological disturbs and a violent nature. When sober, he’s the sweetest man of this planet (apparently). When drunk, a monster. And this is a real problem. Many women are ashamed to confess that they have a relationship with an alcoholist and/or drug user and are victims of violence, sometimes daily violence. It was the first time that I fell in love with an alcoholist and what surprises me when I think about it, is that when people talk about alcoholists (men, in the most of times), they usually forget their family, girlfriends and wives, who have to bear an existance made of fear, anxiety, terror and loneliness. Some people, professionals related to this field, say that alcohol abuse is a sickness. So, it needs treatment. I know that alcohol and drug abuse generate a deep dependance in the human body and it’s very hard to an addict, to get rid of the dependance. But, can I go beyond? Can I talk about the silent pain of the women who live together with these men? Can I talk about my sleepless nights, my lost of weight, my eating disorders, all the tears I cried and all the terror I felt? Because usually women who have a relationship with alcoholists and drug users are victims of violence, verbal abuse and every type of manipulation. In the beginning, we forgive everything, not only because we’re in love, but because we are women. Even if we come from a progressive family (it’s my case), the society still wants us to be humiliated without a reaction.

I don’t want to be good to addicted people now and you know why? Because they are deeply selfish. Usually, people drink or use drugs to relax, socialize, live different and alternative experiences, be someone they can’t be without this “help”. The problem is that our life is connected to many other lives. We have a family, friends, coworkers, neighbours, etc. We are not alone in this world. I said a thousand times to my ex-boyfriend that what he did to his life impacted my life. That’s the way things are. Yes, addicted people are selfish. They only care about themselves. My ex-boyfriend has a family. His parents don’t know what to do. I tried everything I could to help him! Alcohol abusers need professional help. They need to talk to a psychologist and/or psychiatrist about their problem, to find its reasons. They need to fight their own dark side. We all have a dark side. And I strongly recommend to you, my dear reader, to write a diary, talk to a psychologist or develop your faith and spirituality to deal with your dark side, before it hurts yourself and people around you! Don’t start to drink or use drugs to be someone you are not. Don’t start to drink and use drugs to be funny and cool. Believe me: drunken people and people under the effects of drugs, are not funny and cool! They are unbearable! I had a relationship with a man who took a knife and tried to cut his arms in front of me, when we were talking by webcam! This is absolutely sick! Now, try to be in my place. When drunk, my boyfriend gets violent. He said terrible things to me, including sexist and racist offenses (if you remember my old posts, I’m mixed. My mother was black and my father was blond.). At some point, I became a type of slave of his will, because I had to be on Skype whenever he wanted me to be! I lived for this relationship. I started to have problems at work and at home. I couldn’t sleep or eat, I didn’t give attention properly to my friends and penpals (believe me, they are very important to me!), I left this blog for a while. I spent 24 hours a day, 7 days a week worried about him, because he drinks so much that it’s amazing that he’s still alive! He also steals alcohol and hit innocent people when drunk. Alcohol is destroying his mind. He also has some psychological disturbs. But he doesn’t want to solve his problems. He doesn’t want to go to rehab or do some treatment. I heard a thousand promises. “I will stop!”, “I will take a medicine to stop me to drink!”. He spent, at most, a little more than 15 days sober. To start everything again. If I was there, I know he would hit me sooner or later. He even threatened my brother, saying he would kill him. And I got terrified, because he’s crazy enough to do it!

“Why did you spend half an year with this man, Luna?!” some of you will ask me. Well. When sober, he made me feel loved, pretty, sexy, special. We, women, really need this! I will miss him, despite of everything and it won’t be easy to spend these first days without chatting or talking to him more than twice a day, by Skype. What made me end this relationship was his violence. All the verbal abuse, manipulations and psychological tortures I had to bear. Alcohol abusers usually are violent to their girlfriends and wives. They hurt us. Then, they promise to stop. And we believe them. And we forgive them. Then, everything starts again when they drink again. And we keep in our souls (sometimes also on our bodies) the marks of this violence. We forget our own lives to take care of them. Because we really believe our love can heal and change them. So, we accept to be humiliated, hurt, sometimes beaten and raped. Yes, raped. Many women are victims of sexual violence committed by their own boyfriends and husbands! In the beginning, we accept everything because we love them and we think it’s better to be quiet and not react. Then, we accept everything because we fear. “Will he kill me? Will he rape me? Will he kill my family?” We start to be quiet, avoiding to say something, because each “wrong” word can wake up the monster. We start to feel guilty and responsible for their addiction. My ex-boyfriend can’t stand any type of frustration. Everything must happen according to his will. So, can you imagine how did I use to feel, by his side?! Actually, an alcohol abuser will drink, no matter why! Only the alcohol and drug abusers can find a reason to get rid of the addiction! I did everything I could to save my boyfriend and my relationship. But he’s acting like a maniac, it’s impossible to talk to him, he will end up in jail or dead! I know this is a harsh thing to say, but, unfortunately, it’s the truth! I did everything I could to help him. I would be in his country in the end of the year, but it’s dangerous! In every single sense! Not only because of his addiction and violent behaviour. But also because of his friends, companies and enemies. It’s a dark road, my friends. And only a few escape from their tragic fate!

It’s terrible to feel that I did everything, but couldn’t help him. I couldn’t. It’s up to him. This is a bitter wisdom: we can’t change other people’s lives. I will miss him. I will cry thinking of what we could be. But I will survive! And, for all the women who are living the same situation at present: sometimes, we need to be strong enough to say “It’s over!” No more abuses, no more violence, no more fear, terror, tears, sleepless nights, sacrifice! I decided that my life is more important, that there’s a lot of people who need, love and admire me! So … it’s time to go ahead! I understand that people who have alcohol and drug problems lose control. They really lose their minds. But we are not obligated to bear daily violence and humiliation. No matter how bad you feel. It has nothing to do with other people! And we can’t forget that violence against women is still something socially accepted, especially in countries like Brazil where women are killed by their boyfriends and husbands! Boys feel free to scream and shout at girls, offend them, humiliate and persecute them (verbal/psychological abuse). We cannot accept this.

Love is a healthy and beautiful thing. A nice guy will treat his girl right, listen to her and avoid to hurt her. So, if you’re a girl who’s living a similar situation (it doesn’t matter if your partner is an alcohol/drug abuser; sometimes he’s just violent), know that you can change it! You are strong enough to say: “It’s over!” You deserve to be loved and respected! Violence against women is also a matter of power. Some men feel free to hurt us, because they believe they can, it doesn’t matter if they’re drunk or sober. Alcoholism and drug abuse are health problems. I know that. But I also know that everything in this life is a matter of choice. So if you, my dear reader, drink a lot or use drugs to escape from reality, know that nothing will change because you’re doing it! It’s quite the opposite: your life will suck even more, because you will destroy it! Healthy people drink sometimes, a little bit and get drunk once in a while, if so. There’s nothing wrong about alcohol itself. But when people start to use it to escape from reality, it becomes a big problem. So, stop before it’s too late! Search for help, talk to someone, don’t let it destroy you and everything around you!

About violence. Dear guys, you don’t show how strong you are hurting people, but protecting and respecting them, Ok?!

I’ll be back. Stay tuned! And I’m sorry for this atrocious delay. Here is a song, which is the anthem of the end of my relationship. I know it’s cheesy, but I really love this song! *lol*




quarta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2013

Mimimi, Marco Feliciano and people who have no sense of humor.


Hellomini_gifs187How are you doing? First of all, I would like to share a worry with you guys: for some reason, my animated gifs are not working and I don’t understand that much about about blog layouts, to solve this problem by myself Crying face. I’m planning to hire someone to develop a personalized template to this blog, but I’d like to see my animated gifs working here, before! If someone can help me, I’ll be very happy and grateful! …

Well. It’s a sunny and pleasant Winter morning and I should be working, but don’t have much to do for now and decided to take the opportunity to update this blog. Many unexplainable things happen in my country and I try to write about them here with some sarcasm, because it’s healthier don’t take them very seriously. But, of course, sometimes I need to consider them seriously, because they’re worrying! When people lose the ability to deal with differences, and take everything as a personal offense, we don’t have a civilization anymore. And I’m afraid this is happening in Brazil. So, this post won’t be that funny, but I’ll do my best to make some jokes! Smile

First, let me explain what’s mimimi. Brazilian slang for the act of complaining endlessly and without a real reason about something or someone aborrecido. When a person complains too much about irrelevant problems, we say: Ele/ela está de mimimi!  Of course, we all have the right to express how unsatisfied we feel about something or someone. But mimimi is a childish attitude, usually from people who are never satisfied. Some of them become mimimi experts! And, of course, they want to catch attention. There’s a politician (congressman) in Brazil who’s a great example of mimimi expert: Marco Feliciano. He’s also a neo-pentecostal priest. And now I’ll say something that probably will shock you, but if you’re used to visit this blog, you already know that I live in a bizarre country: Marco Feliciano is explicitly racist and homophobic and … is the president of the Commission on Human Rights and Minorities, in Brasília, seat of the federal government! Confused smileYes! A racist and homophobic man is the president of the Commission on Human Rights and Minorities, of our Chamber of Deputies! Surprised smileWe, Brazilian people are funny, don’t you think?! 06 Unfortunately, this is not a joke. And Marco Feliciano is a great user of social networks, especially Twitter (no, I still don’t have a Twitter account!). He takes every opportunity he has to say disgusting things against minorities and his favorite target is the LGBT community. He says that homosexuality is something against God’s will. Well. If God created all of us, he also created the LGBT community, right?! mini_gifs47  How can God be against His (Christians believe that God is a man) creatures?! If He loves us all … it seems there’s something wrong about Marco Feliciano! Eye rolling smileHe’s childish and celebrates each notoriety he gets thanks to his comments and attitudes! He’s extremely rejected by many of us. Social movements, the LGBT community and people in general don’t lose a chance to show him that he’s a complete … prick. But, we have two problems: he was appointed by our President (Dilma Rousseff, who has a lot of respect for aliens) and there’s a lot of fanatic religious people in Brazil who support him!

I must say that I have nothing against Christians or religious people in general. I’m not religious myself, but believe in God and try to develop my spirituality tres_brilhos. If I had to choose a religious path, I would be Buddhist. But religions were made by human beings and – hellooo!!!! – we are not owners of the truth! I don’t want to believe in a God who teaches people to hate who’s different and imposes only one path to everyone. That’s what many neo-pentecostal people think. And, believe me, my dear reader, this is becoming a war, in Brazil! Fanatic religious people against the rest of us! They are so absolutely intolerant and closed in their conceptions, that it’s impossible to have a conversation with them! Of course, some neo-pentecostal people are nice, open-minded and remember that Jesus came to this planet to teach us how to love, but the fanatic ones ruin the reputation of all the groups! Especially because their leaders are mercenaries who build up churches to get rich thanks to the contributions of the believers! Marco Feliciano is not a believer. Nobody needs to look at his face twice to be sure of that. No no, I won’t post his picture here! This is a cute blog! 30 I won’t ruin it! Nyah-NyahIf you are curious, search for his pic on Google Images! Good luck! … He’s not a believer. He’s a mercenary and opportunist. He wants fame! He wants conflict with everyone! AnnoyedAs I wrote before, he’s a mimimi expert! And his last mimimi is against a group of very talented Brazilian comedians, called Porta dos Fundos (Backdoor). These comedians are internet celebrities; every Monday and Thursday they upload a new video on YouTube. Intelligent humor, very very good! I really like their videos.

Last Monday, they decided to upload a video which makes jokes about religious fanaticism. Let me explain: some Christian people (the video mentions Jesus) believe that, sometimes, Jesus’ image appears somewhere. On a rock. On the floor of a house. On a french fries pack. When it happens, the place where Jesus’ image was painted by supernatural hands, becomes a place of worship immediately. Lots of believers go there to pray, light candles and make wishes. Of course, nobody can prove anything about these images. Do they exist? Don’t they exist? Who knows?! Anyway, believers are so fanatic that they worship everything related to their gods, no matter how nonsense is the situation. The video by Porta dos Fundos is exactly about this! A completely nonsense situation (they love to explore the nonsense) with a little bit of criticism: a woman goes to the gynecologist to routine medical examinations, but the doctor gets impressed when he finds Jesus’ image on her private parts! Rolling on the floor laughingHe calls everybody to see the miracle and suddenly a lot of people start to pray, light candles, sing religious songs and make wishes. While the poor woman is there, with legs wide open. I laughed a lot when I watched the video! Of course, it’s a little provocative the place where Jesus’ image appeared. But this video is not offensive at all! Only fanatic religious people got offended. The video is not against Jesus Christ or his believers; it’s only a nonsense situation involving something that really happens in real life!

But, of course, priest (and prick) Marco Feliciano took the opportunity to say that he will try to remove the video from YouTube. Again trying to catch attention with mimimi on internet! And this is sad, you know?! First of all, it’s absolutely surreal a racist and homophobic man be the president of the Commission on Human Rights and Minorities. Then, at least in my opinion, a politician should busy himself creating projects to help and support people! Unfortunately, many believers support him. And, as I said before, Dilma Rousseff made alliances with ultraconservative people. This is bad for the country. Fanatic religious people have no sense of humor or sense of respect. So, I think I’m doing my part telling you about this episode and also sharing the video! With English subtitles! Yay! Smile

Watch it and judge it yourself, my dear reader! Is it offensive or disrespectful? Isn’t it? It’s up to you to decide! If you want, leave a comment or email me and let’s talk about it! We build up democracy giving to people the right to think by themselves and make choices by themselves. Marco Feliciano does not represent me. Against black people, the LGBT community, social movements, feminists and, now, also humor!

I just wonder how would a world made by fanatic religious people look like. It’s better to avoid to imagine it!

Stay tuned, my dear readers! music_azulVocês serão abençoados / Porque o Senhor já derramou o seu amor / Derrama, Senhor! / Derrama, Senhor! / Derrama sobre eles seu amor! music_azul
