quinta-feira, 12 de junho de 2014

The World Cup is coming. Run to the hills!

Dear readersmini_gifs184a23b2721 Loooooong time no seemini_gifs187Surprised smilePlease, forgive me for my absence. But now it seems I have a type of civic mission, a very strong reason to update this blog: THE WORLD CUP! cute_cao_54Yes! For the very first time in history, the most important football competition of this planet will happen in this tropical country, blessed by God and beautiful by nature! tres_brilhosAnd the opening ceremony plus the first match (Brazil x Croatia) will happen here, in my beloved city! #fuckyeahsaopaulo  I confess I wasn’t so excited about it and many people here are still not so excited about it. Are you surprisedhiWe, Brazilian people, are known all over the world as very passionate football lovers. And, yes, football is the most popular sport here. Men (and nowadays women too) discuss (fight and argue) about football during the state and national championships. But, even right now, that I’m in my studio listening to honks outside and there are Brazilian flags everywhere, I still don’t feel so much excitement. There’s a lot of dissatisfaction about this event here. And if you read the newspapers, my dear readers, you know that mininews2. There’s a lot of protests and strikes happening here. Recently, the subway workers spent more than 5 days on strike here in São Paulo. It seems they managed to negotiate with the government about wage increase. But we cannot be sure about anything. You have no idea of how much do we depend on subway here, so this strike was really something! The protests happen for many reasons. But I think I can summarize them in one main reason: billions of our money were spent by the government, to build up the infrastructure for this World Cup, while there’s a huge lack of essential services for the population, especially the poor one. The infrastructure is not complete, I must say. And the truth is that this event wasn’t made for the people. The tickets are expensive, people can’t take flags, food, drinks, fireworks to the stadium. Honks are also forbidden. I have no idea of how will the Brazilian supporters behave in such conditions … Open-mouthed smileThis World Cup doesn’t sound like a popular celebration. That’s why so many people are mad. A French artist, called PEZ, made a very interesting drawing about this:

Link: http://imguol.com/blogs/3/files/2014/06/10370995_10152108471482274_5220782628561810255_n.jpg

This is a critical version of Jules Rimet, the World Cup’s trophy. You can see dollar bills on the top and a favela on the base. The idea behind this artwork is the one I mentioned before: too much money spent for this event while the population doesn’t have essential services. Despite of all the propaganda of the current government, there’s still a huge social inequality in Brazil. And it seems many people here cannot stand this anymore. They don’t want only football (entertainment), but health care, education, security, a decent place to live, etc. I support the protests.

On the other hand, I think that the World Cup probably won’t happen again in Brazil. Nobody needs to be too smart to know that football nowadays is not about passion. It’s about money. We don’t need to stress so much about players who will receive big amounts of money, to entertain us. Even if Pelé, our eternal king, usually only says bullshit (sorry! Embarrassed smile) in every single interview, he cannot be replaced by a Neymar (Pica-Pau), who doesn’t have not even the half of Pelé’s charisma (despite of everything). Maybe I’m very romantic, but the good old times are gone. Anyway, life is made of happenings (that’s what I call an inspired sentence! Surprised smileHey, Paulo Coelho, feel free to steal it from me and use it in your next book! Sarcastic smile). My beloved city looks different. There are foreign people everywhere, there’s something in the air. I will live this. I will write about this, because later, in a few years, I can get back to these posts and have fun! I am here, during this World Cup, I can tell this to my kids (if one day I have them)! It will be actually funny to pay attention at everything, then comment everything with a little bit of humour Smile. Of course, I won’t write posts full of details about the matches (there are so many places to get these informations on internet!). I will show you my personal view about the World Cup. Today I will be with my friends here at home (it’s a holiday! mini_gifs76), watch the opening ceremony and the match. So, I’ll definitely have something to say tomorrow.

That’s all for now. I have some snacks to make (I’m really a multi maiden, babe). Stay tuned! And watch the World Cup on tv, if you have the chance!  (There are so many honks outside that I can’t write anymore! …Crying face)

Hugs, I missed you too,


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