quinta-feira, 26 de junho de 2014

Good things, bad things.

Boa noite, meus queridos leitoresmini_gifs187(Good evening, my dear readers!) How are you? Hope fine. I’m fine. Too much lack of humidity in São Paulo to my liking, but there’s nothing I can do but drinking (more) water … I’ve been following the World Cup and I still plan to write about it on this blog. I would write about something completely different today, but a news on internet caught my attention and made me think. I found it at the ESPN-Brasil (tv cable channel dedicated to sports) page: Caos em SP: pós-jogo do Brasil tem sexo na rua, ataque de gangues e até leilão de drogas (Chaos in São Paulo - after-match party has: sex on the street, gang attack and even drug auction). Here’s the link for the ones who speak Portuguese:


It happened in Vila Madalena, district of São Paulo, very famous for its nightlife. It’s a nice place. My favorite rock bar is there and I’ve never had problems going to or coming back from there. It’s a middle-class district, not a dangerous place at all. But it seems, according to the news, that on Monday, June 23, after the match Brazil vs Cameroon, Brazilians and foreign tourists decided to celebrate in the surroundings of Rua Aspicuelta (Vila Madalena) and some … unusual things happened. They have joined there to watch the matches, from the beginning of the World Cup. They party all night long and bug the neighborhood. Loud music, alcohol, drugs, too much people at the same place trying to escape from reality, … we all know that it can’t end well. And it must be a real pain in the ass (sorry! Embarrassed smile) to the ones who live in Vila Madalena and need to wake up early in the morning, to work. We’re all grownups, right?! (I’m talking about mental age). As I said on my previous posts, when Brazil plays, we leave work earlier. Some people go to FIFA Fan Fest, at Vale do Anhangabaú, here in São Paulo. There’s a big screen there where people can watch the matches for free and interact with other supporters. I prefer to be at home, with my family and friends. If I won’t watch a match at the stadium, why will I go out? Many places like bars and pubs also display the matches. But my couch is so comfortable, that I just don’t want to leave it! … th_h261103_04(I wish I had a couch like this, but my brother wouldn’t agree … Smile with tongue out) Well. When there’s a lot of drunk people together we know that shit will happen (I’m not very polite today and I apologize!). Drunk supporters, from all over the world, are very cute on tv. Not that cute in person.

Fan Fest at Vale do Anhangabaú. Link of the image: http://i1.wp.com/visitesaopaulo.com/blog/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/11229261.jpeg

I got worried because according to the news, there were drug traders selling LSD, cocaine and ecstasy in Vila Madalena, people having sex on the streets, at public places, fights and robberies going on. Where was the police? Surprised smileI knew, by friends and foreign people that the international media gave the impression that Brazil is a very dangerous place, before the World Cup. I can only speak for my city. And São Paulo is not a very dangerous place. Of course, life is risky at poor districts, but São Paulo is not a dangerous place for the ones who don’t parade their goods. Keep something in mind, about Brazil: there’s a huge social inequality here (and I repeat that so much, that I’m exhausted … Eye rolling smile). I’m sure that I pass by possible robbers every single day, but nothing happens to me because I don’t catch their attention carrying expensive goods or lots of money! Tourists come to Brazil with expensive goods and money in their pockets. It’s very easy to recognize a tourist. If he/she doesn’t take care, he/she will be robbed, but it doesn’t mean that there are thieves everywhere here. But try to think like a thief: there’s a lot of middle-class Brazilians and tourists completely drunk and in drugs at some place. Will you lose the chance to get some money? … That’s what happened in Vila Madalena. Sometimes the occasion makes the thief like we use to say in Brazil. What worries me is: Where was the police? And: it seems that people are losing control. Parties after midnight, on weekdays, at residential districts should be forbidden, unless they happen at discos, bars and pubs, closed doors. People need to sleep, because they have to work the next day! And I completely understand people who usually go out to walk their dogs at night and get scared because they saw drug dealers offering drugs aloud! People have the right to do whatever they want to their lives. But let’s talk about limits and respect? I’m not here to discuss if drugs should or should not be legalized. I’m here to talk about respect. And those Brazilians and foreigners in Vila Madalena showed no respect for the ones who live in the district!


What really annoys me, is the reaction of some Brazilians to situations like that. If you understand Portuguese and take a look at the comments below the news, you will see that some people took the chance to criticize Brazil and its people like they were not Brazilians and didn’t live here as well. This behavior has a name, in Portuguese. Actually it’s a mix of two things: complexo de vira-lata and síndrome de Estocolmo. Vira-lata is a mixed breed dog. Complexo de vira-lata is inferiority complex. Some Brazilians believe they are inferior due to the nature of our people. We are “mixed breed dogs”. And they don’t see the positive side of it. Stockholm syndrome is a type of behavior that some people develop when they feel sympathy for their aggressors. When we say that someone has Stockholm syndrome in Brazil, we mean that this person feels sympathy for the North Hemisphere, especially Europe in a sick way. DON’T GET ME WRONG! I have European friends, I love you guys, I know people from other countries in North Hemisphere and we get along very well. I’ve already said that my heart is open to good people, no matter where are they from mini_gifs14. BUT, Brazil was a colony. Europe colonized the world. Entire native people were killed, other were kidnapped, sold and turned into slaves, cultures were destroyed and an European vision of the world was imposed all over this planet. It’s not your fault, my dear European reader. But it happened. First, Europe, then United States, in the future maybe China, who knows? … I hope we learn to love each other before we kill each other! So, some people in Brazil feel inferior because they are not from Europe or USA (usually). And some of them hate other Brazilians and behave like they were not Brazilians. So, when I read, from a Brazilian person, something like: “This is Brazil! Violence, addiction and promiscuity!” I have the impression that we don’t live in the same place. I don’t believe I need to praise my country all the time and if you read my blog, you know that I don’t do it. I’m talking about people who hate Brazil and don’t lose the chance to say and show it! They are Brazilians! AnnoyedI criticize my country when it’s necessary (in my opinion). But don’t think I live in the sewers just because some things go wrong here! Every time something goes wrong here, there’s always some people to shout: “This is Brazil!” They are Brazilians like me and forget that we all are part of this country! We are not inferior. We are different. Our History is different. Our reasons are different. Our culture is different.

People drink all over the world. People use drugs all over the world. People have sex on the streets and at public places all over the world. It’s a common fantasy. Robberies happen all over the world. And foreigners did bad things here as well, during this World Cup, like the Chileans who invaded Maracanã. What can I say about the tourists who come to Brazil to have sex with kids? They are from the North Hemisphere! Human beings can be good or bad and lack of respect happens everywhere. Brazilians who say that all bad things happen here because “Brazilian people are this or that”, know nothing about this world! They are Brazilians too. It’s sad to see people hating their own country and people. Feeling less capable because they were born here. I see this all the time! There’s always someone to say “This is Brazil!” when something goes wrong here.

The ones who follow this blog (thank you, by the way! Smile) know that I’m honest about Brazil. I am critical, sarcastic, I make jokes. But I love my country!mini_gifs23I love my city! There’s nothing wrong about Brazilian people. There’s something wrong about who have no respect or consideration for other people. Vila Madalena is a very nice district. And it’s not good what’s happening there. People have the right to party, drink, use drugs, have sex, but not in the middle of the streets, because other people, the ones who live there, have the right to walk their dogs and sleep. Respect. That’s all we need. I wonder how long people from Brazil or somewhere else will be so childish and find stupid answers to complex questions. If I can say something, my dear readers is: don’t be ashamed to be who you are. We always can be better. And we are unique. Don’t say terrible things about your country or other countries. Be critical, don’t be mean. Brazil is my country. I am Brazilian. If things go wrong here, I won’t change them with hate. People from other countries are not better or worse than me, they are different. If only some people here could see beyond their inferiority complex, they would find many reasons to be proud or just happy. But you must have love inside of your heart. Good things, bad things are all part of us. Love is the only reason to fight for.

I promise to be joyful on my next post! I just needed to share this with you guys! Stay tuned! And love!




sábado, 21 de junho de 2014

World Cup: first impressions.

Hellomini_gifs187minisomHow are you? Hope fine. I’m fine. Winter started today in Brazil and I’m home. I’m sorry for my delay, but … so many things have happened! toinJune is a month full of happenings, with or without World Cup. On June 12, for instance, we had our Valentine’s Day mini_gifs50. And the June parties (festas juninas) are going on. They are typical Brazilian celebrations, pagan and Catholic at the same time. I really want to write a post about it, hope to do it before the end of this month! But it seems nobody is paying too much attention at the June parties or whatever, due to the World Cup! a23b2721I thought it would be easier to me to write about it, since I’ve been watching the competition from the beginning. But … I have too many things in my mind, lately! Well. I don’t know if you all like football or understand something about it, but it’s a quite exciting sport! cute_cao_54By the way, let me fix a mistake before I forget: on my previous post, I said that the World Cup would happen in Brazil for the very first time. I was wrong. I’m sorry! There was a World Cup in Brazil, in 1950, the final match was Brazil vs Uruguay, in Maracanã (probably the most famous Brazilian stadium, in Rio de Janeiro) and … Uruguay got the trophy! Some old people here still didn’t recover from that … mini_gifs18 But I was born in 1980, so, this is my first World Cup in Brazil! SmileIt has been a very surprising and unpredictable competition! Nobody would believe, a month ago, that Spain (current champion) would get back home so soon! th_nana028 Who would believe that Costa Rica would win the match against Italy yesterday? That’s why I’m enjoying this World Cup! We can’t be sure about anything! I must say that Brazil is far to be the best team on this World Cup. And I’m really supporting Brazil! mini_gifs76But I need to be honest: our team was favored by the referee in the first match, against Croatia and the match against Mexico was hard! We needed a victory to go to the next stage without worries and got a draw. Things are getting harder, so, I worry about Brazil. Neymar (Pica-Pau) is our best player so far, in my opinion and I wonder what Fred and Daniel Alves are doing in our team, but … only Luiz Felipe Scolari (coach) knows (or should know) the answers!

When Brazil plays, we leave work earlier, which doesn’t work that much here in São Paulo, because everybody seems to leave work at the same time and we take a couple of hours to get back home (while the matches are running)! AnnoyedHolidays would be much nicer, but our mayor tried to turn the days of matches to holidays, but the congressmen didn’t agree. I can’t be sure, but have the impression that it has political reasons, since we will have elections this year and many congressmen belong to the opposition! … About the protests, they keep happening, all over the country. And clashes with police too. It’s hard to say, sometimes, who’s wrong, who’s right. As I said on my previous post, I support the protests, because I understand their reasons. But some people use the protests as an excuse to destroy, break everything they see. The media call them black blocks and there is really a … not exactly “social movement” but a group of people called black blocks who don’t use to be very peaceful to express their dissatisfaction. They usually dress black clothes and cover their faces. The problem is that the media use their violence to criticize every single social movement or protest. So, in the most of times, the media (and the most of the population) support the police repression, which I think is a mistake. At the same time, everything seems to work at the stadiums, supporters from all over the world seem to be pretty drunk, I mean, satisfied Sarcastic smileand I’m a little afraid that this country is being invaded by Argentinians. I’ve never seen so many Argentinians in my life! mini_gifs165 They seem to be pretty cheerful, noisy (a little too much, I must say), always singing and repeating that Maradona is better than Pelé, which everybody knows that is an atrocious lie! th_siro07[3] I can’t wait to say adiós to all of them! ^^ (I hope you know that I am kidding. Well … a little, but I am! Open-mouthed smile)  If you still don’t know, my dear readers, Brazilians and Argentinians are rivals in football!

Oh, well. I’m managing to write this post, I’m impressed! Surprised smileI would write this post on June 13, first day of our June parties, dedicated to Santo Antônio, the Catholic saint responsible for getting husbands to desperate, I mean, single women. I would comment the opening ceremony. But it was good to wait. I didn’t wait purposely, many things happened, but I got very mad back then and wouldn’t write a nice post mini_gifs68. And it’s hard to explain my dissatisfaction. I know my country. I know my culture. I couldn’t believe my eyes. If you didn’t watch the opening ceremony, believe me: it has nothing to do with Brazil! My country is much more than that. But, for a strange reason, FIFA wanted to show a Brazil very different from the one I live in. First of all, try to type on Google Images this: torcida brasileira copa 2014 estádios. Pay attention at the pictures. Try to find black, mixed or dark skinned people in general. This soundtrack would be appropriate:

I bet you didn’t find many. As I said on my previous post, FIFA doesn’t create events for the people. And the people of Brazil, the most of us are black, mixed or dark skinned. I am mixed, for instance. When I only saw white and wealthy people at the stadium, waiting for the opening ceremony here in São Paulo, I felt like I was in Sweden and fell asleep during the trip. Don’t get me wrong! My heart is open to good people from everywhere, no matter how do they look like mini_gifs51 . But the tickets, at least in São Paulo, for the opening ceremony and first match, were too expensive. And this says something about Brazil. It is a racist country, there’s a huge social inequality here and the material elite has an specific ethnicity. The real people from São Paulo watched everything at home or on a big screen, somewhere in the city. So (this is a personal theory, maybe a conspiracy one), if FIFA didn’t allow the real people to be at the stadium in the first day of the World Cup, why would they allow the real people to show Brazil to the world? So, we had an extremely bizarre and poor opening ceremony and journalists from all over the world had reasons to criticize it! IT WAS TERRIBLE!  My country creates a beautiful Carnival every single year and amazing, colorful, lively parties (like the June parties), we have an extremely varied culture! How can I explain that to someone who watched the opening ceremony?! Crying faceA weird choreography, no rhythm, no energy, no real people (I have nothing against those poor creatures who were hired to embarrass themselves and the whole country, but, please!) and the worst: the horrendous theme, by Pitbull and Jennifer Lopez, both born and raised in Brazil! (This sentence contains sarcasm.) Oh, there was Claudia Leitte, too, Brazilian and … well … why??!! mini_gifs72Maybe the opening ceremony is available on YouTube. So, if you didn’t watch it, you can give it a try. It doesn’t represent my country at all!

Of course, there are more things to say, but I’ll save them to my next post. I will try to post it soon! Anyway, stay tuned and watch the World Cup!



P.S.: I’m happy that Nigeria won the match, today! ^^ African people like football a lot, they deserve this joy! And a beautiful thing: Brazilian people supported Nigeria at the stadium! People from Cuiabá make me proud to be Brazilian!mini_gifs23

quinta-feira, 12 de junho de 2014

The World Cup is coming. Run to the hills!

Dear readersmini_gifs184a23b2721 Loooooong time no seemini_gifs187Surprised smilePlease, forgive me for my absence. But now it seems I have a type of civic mission, a very strong reason to update this blog: THE WORLD CUP! cute_cao_54Yes! For the very first time in history, the most important football competition of this planet will happen in this tropical country, blessed by God and beautiful by nature! tres_brilhosAnd the opening ceremony plus the first match (Brazil x Croatia) will happen here, in my beloved city! #fuckyeahsaopaulo  I confess I wasn’t so excited about it and many people here are still not so excited about it. Are you surprisedhiWe, Brazilian people, are known all over the world as very passionate football lovers. And, yes, football is the most popular sport here. Men (and nowadays women too) discuss (fight and argue) about football during the state and national championships. But, even right now, that I’m in my studio listening to honks outside and there are Brazilian flags everywhere, I still don’t feel so much excitement. There’s a lot of dissatisfaction about this event here. And if you read the newspapers, my dear readers, you know that mininews2. There’s a lot of protests and strikes happening here. Recently, the subway workers spent more than 5 days on strike here in São Paulo. It seems they managed to negotiate with the government about wage increase. But we cannot be sure about anything. You have no idea of how much do we depend on subway here, so this strike was really something! The protests happen for many reasons. But I think I can summarize them in one main reason: billions of our money were spent by the government, to build up the infrastructure for this World Cup, while there’s a huge lack of essential services for the population, especially the poor one. The infrastructure is not complete, I must say. And the truth is that this event wasn’t made for the people. The tickets are expensive, people can’t take flags, food, drinks, fireworks to the stadium. Honks are also forbidden. I have no idea of how will the Brazilian supporters behave in such conditions … Open-mouthed smileThis World Cup doesn’t sound like a popular celebration. That’s why so many people are mad. A French artist, called PEZ, made a very interesting drawing about this:

Link: http://imguol.com/blogs/3/files/2014/06/10370995_10152108471482274_5220782628561810255_n.jpg

This is a critical version of Jules Rimet, the World Cup’s trophy. You can see dollar bills on the top and a favela on the base. The idea behind this artwork is the one I mentioned before: too much money spent for this event while the population doesn’t have essential services. Despite of all the propaganda of the current government, there’s still a huge social inequality in Brazil. And it seems many people here cannot stand this anymore. They don’t want only football (entertainment), but health care, education, security, a decent place to live, etc. I support the protests.

On the other hand, I think that the World Cup probably won’t happen again in Brazil. Nobody needs to be too smart to know that football nowadays is not about passion. It’s about money. We don’t need to stress so much about players who will receive big amounts of money, to entertain us. Even if Pelé, our eternal king, usually only says bullshit (sorry! Embarrassed smile) in every single interview, he cannot be replaced by a Neymar (Pica-Pau), who doesn’t have not even the half of Pelé’s charisma (despite of everything). Maybe I’m very romantic, but the good old times are gone. Anyway, life is made of happenings (that’s what I call an inspired sentence! Surprised smileHey, Paulo Coelho, feel free to steal it from me and use it in your next book! Sarcastic smile). My beloved city looks different. There are foreign people everywhere, there’s something in the air. I will live this. I will write about this, because later, in a few years, I can get back to these posts and have fun! I am here, during this World Cup, I can tell this to my kids (if one day I have them)! It will be actually funny to pay attention at everything, then comment everything with a little bit of humour Smile. Of course, I won’t write posts full of details about the matches (there are so many places to get these informations on internet!). I will show you my personal view about the World Cup. Today I will be with my friends here at home (it’s a holiday! mini_gifs76), watch the opening ceremony and the match. So, I’ll definitely have something to say tomorrow.

That’s all for now. I have some snacks to make (I’m really a multi maiden, babe). Stay tuned! And watch the World Cup on tv, if you have the chance!  (There are so many honks outside that I can’t write anymore! …Crying face)

Hugs, I missed you too,
