quarta-feira, 31 de julho de 2013



What is a hero, my dear reader? Someone who’s not exactly human or is an alien, and has special genes or supernatural powers, like the X-Men and Super Man? Someone who’s half human, half god and shines through his/her strenght or special abilities, like Achilles and Hercules? Ordinary people who became gods, because of their bravery, generosity and good deeds, like the African yoruba gods called orixás (in Portuguese)? A man or woman who has no special powers, but is very very smart and saves people’s asses, I mean, lives Smiley envergonhado, like Batman and Odysseus (I love them both, must say! mini_gifs51)? Ordinary people who get tired to be oppressed and/or see oppression and fight the power, like Zorro, Rosa Parks and Gandhi? A Brazilian single mother who feeds her kids and pays the rent with a minimum wage? A blogger who can ask so many questions without getting desperate? Smiley surpresoWhatever is your definition, we all agree on one point: heroes are special. Different, unique. They are or do something that average people are not able to do, for some reason. Real people or characters, heroes are the ones who make things happen. They transform the impossible in possible. Loved and hated, protected and persecuted, a hero is a badass. His or her deeds become immortal and he/she is an inspiration to people, especially kids. We all need heroes! They are the greatest symbol of HOPE! Alegre

So, who never had a hero, at least as a kid? Kids are small, completely new at this strange experience called life. They need heroes! I had many when I was a kid. Many when I was a teen. And still have a few ones Smiley piscando. My mom was a hero to me. Daddy was more like a big teddy bear teddybear1. I could talk about this subject for days, but let’s focus on my childhood heroes. Were they Brazilian? Nope. Japanese. Japanese??!! Smiley surpresoYes. I spent my whole childhood surrounded by Japanese people and descendants (I use to say that I was adopted by them mini_gifs84), BUT, my heroes would be from Japan anyway because of tv! In the 80’s and 90’s, we had in Brazil, Japanese series about super heroes, usually five young people, three boys and two girls, in very colorful outfits (do you really think that the idea behind the Power Rangers is original?! Nhé-nhé). But, sometimes, there was only one main hero (a guy) against the evil forces. The team of heroes is called Super Sentai and the episodes were made by a Japanese company called Toei (to know more about it, click here). My favorite Super Sentai series was Dengeki Sentai Changeman, or just Changeman, the first Super Sentai series to be on air in Brazil, in 1988 (according to wiki). A group of five young people fighting against the evil forces of Mr. Bazoo and his soldiers, including Chima (a beautiful woman who had the voice of a man! Smiley confuso) and Gyodai, an ugly monster (is it possible to exist a pretty monster?Smiley pensativo) who transformed normal sized monsters into giant monsters. And, when it happened, the Changeman had a special weapon to fight against them: a giant robot, a mecha. Almost every Japanese series about heroes has a mecha and giant monsters! My favorite robot has always been Daileon, from a series called Jaspion, about a boy who comes to Earth to fight the evil forces of Satan Gorth (who, for a strange reason, looked like Darth Vader … Inocente). Daileon is beautiful and his music theme is amazing! mini_gifs14

Changeman, from left to right: Change Phoenix (my favorite! ^^), Change Pegasus, Change Dragon, Change Griffon and Change Mermaid.


Mecha – Change Robot


We had many Japanese series in Brazil and some of them, like Jaspion, Changeman, Jiraya, Flashman, Black Kamen Rider were a HUGE success, among kids, teens and even adults (daddy watched Jiraya with me and my bro)! I remember that I got back from school and went straight to the living room to join my brother and watch Changeman and Jiraya (a ninja against an evil ninja organization). Many people nowadays criticize those series, because they were “cheesy” and full of what I call “special deffects”, like stones made of styrofoam. Basically, all the Japanese series about super heroes had the same plot: evil forces from this planet or another plan to conquer Earth and destroy humanity. But one or more gifted heroes will never let it happen! Jiraya is different because the villains are humans and have human ambitions, connected to human crimes. It’s a very very good and intersting series, which shows a little bit of the ninja universe! I wanted to be a ninja for a while, because of this! AlegreWhat makes me love the Japanese series until today is the intention behind each episode. Principles like friendship, union, fraternity, loyalty, love to animals and each form of life, respect for kids and old people, maternity, paternity are there! I think that the Japanese heroes were the first ones who convinced me that it’s nice to be good! mini_gifs88They made me believe that if I have to fight for something, I will fight for the beautiful things of this planet! They could teach me to be good, without any type of indoctrination! The bad guys were bad guys, but even them had feelings! Even them became monsters because didn’t have someone to love them. This is really something! I think that the Japanese heroes from tv were the first ones who taught me that love is all that matters! mini_gifs116

Jiraya (I know, I couldn’t find a better pic … sorry!)


Takumi Tsutsui, the young actor behind Jiraya. Ah, my teen years! How many long and deep sighs because of this boy! …

My favorite series until today are Changeman, Jiraya and Black Kamen Rider (about two young boys who are used in an alien experience to become evil kings. A gem stone is put in their bellies and the original idea was that they would fight until one of them becomes the king of Gorgon, the evil force. The problem is that one boy managed to scape and decided to fight Gorgon, becoming Black Kamen Rider or Kamen Rider Black, it’s up to you!). I had a Change Phoenix mask, used to play with my friends pretending that we were the Changeman. It was very important to us to have them as heroes! Sometimes tv companies can make something good! It’s amazing to think that part of my character came from tv heroes! But, if you have the chance to watch some episodes of these series, my dear reader, you will understand! Memories are tricky (especially if they involve deep feelings), but my intention wasn’t to give precise informations about the series. I just wanted to share with you my childhood idols Alegre. They have all the qualities of a real hero. Maybe that’s why until today, a great part of my generation cries when remember them! We really cry. If I pay too much attention at the Changeman’s soundtrack, I cry like a baby! Because I was beautiful and naive and brave behind my Change Phoenix and, thanks to these Japanese guys in colorful outfits, I still believe that I can fight the evil forces, which are everywhere, including inside of me!

Black Kamen Rider ^^

What about your heroes, my dear reader? Where do they come from? What did you learn from them? My heroes are women: mom, Change Phoenix, Storm (X-Men), some women from books and stories, Oyá (African yoruba goddess). With them I learned that we, women, also can fight for what we want! We are special too! My heroes are asian, black, white, native american. A real hero touches you for who he/she is! So, Odysseus and The Count Of Monte Cristo are part of me, too. Anyways, these Japanese guys are the ones I would like to hug! Don’t think that you don’t need someone to tell you that life worth it, despite of everything. So, call your hero! Smiley piscando

To end this post, four songs from the soundtracks of my favorite series! Brazilian people, get ready to cry, if you lived that golden age!

I’ll be back, fighting against the evil forces! Stay tuned!



Dengeki Sentai Changeman (Opening) – Hironobu Kageyama:

Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraya (Opening Theme) – Akira Kushida:

Kamen Rider Black (Opening Theme) – Tetsuo Kurata, the actor behind the hero! Awww! <3

Flashman (Opening Theme) – I didn’t mention this series, because I didn’t watch it. But this video is here, because of my brother, who liked the Flashman (another Super Sentai). If someone knows who’s the singer, please, tell me! I couldn’t find this information!

terça-feira, 30 de julho de 2013

Rebirth of a blog.

Hello, my dear readersmini_gifs187Há quanto tempo! (Long time no see!) How are you doing? Hope fine. I’m alive, as you can see. I caught a bad cold a few days ago (believe it or not, it’s Winter in Brazil! And it’s cold!), but now I can breathe, feel smells and tastes, so, I think I’m ok. At present, I’m having a cup of soy drink with instant coffee th_00014902and, while the most of people in the neighbourhood fall asleep, I try to find some inspiration to write on this blog again. Don’t be disappointed if I don’t sound very funny today. It will happen sometimes, anyway. And it feels like I’m getting back home after a long and unexpected absence. Everything has changed. Because even if the furniture is the same, at the same place, I’m not the same person anymore and need to get used to everything in a different way (yes, get ready for some philosophy, my dear reader! Smiley piscando)

Well. It’s hard to explain this long and unexpected absence. Yes, I had problems with my computer (the same laptop I’m using now), it was a traumatic experience (I’m serious!) and I take time to recover from traumatic experiences or overcome them, don’t ask me why. Many things – good and bad – happened in my life and country in the last months. I don’t remember exactly when I started to use my laptop again (is this lack of memory a sign that I’m getting old? Smiley confuso), but, yes, I thought about to get back to this blog a thousand times before to make the decision! I know that this blog has readers and I know that it wasn’t kind of me to “disappear” (Sorry, people! Smiley triste). But sometimes we fear to start something again. We, human beings, used to fear the unknown. I fear something else (this is a confession. It means that, now, it’s time to pay more attention at what you’re reading! Smiley mostrando a língua): to get involved. This blog is not a diary where I expose my super exciting routine to the world. It’s a relationship between me, the blogger and you, the reader. I’m not writing to myself (you probably have noticed that). And, God! … This is a responsibility! Smiley surpresoPeople care about this blog and ask me about it. People missed my posts. People comment my posts (not here, for some reason)! It would be easier to run and hide myself! Well … I tried. “Why?”, you ask me. Because you are responsible for the people who like you and/or what you do. Have you ever thought about that? Have you ever freaked out because of this? Basically we love to believe that we are free to do whatever we want. But this is not true. There’s other people in this world and, if they care about you, you better give them a little bit of your time and attention! In the beginning, I couldn’t expect that people would feel happier because of this blog. I was just writing, you know, without feeling any sense of responsibility. My absence showed me that this is more than a distraction to me and an entertainment to you. I can’t be away from this blog, there’s something about it! I realized that it makes people happy. Of course, sometimes my posts are not cheerful, but anyway, there’s a message on them and it reaches people. I would never expect that it would happen! Writers are usually recognized by their writing skills, by a small group of people, unless they were or are able to create something that touches people’s hearts. I don’t know if I will be recognized by my writing skills, by a small group of people someday. I must confess that I’m not making any effort to be Smiley sarcástico. But I would never expect that my blog would be part of other people’s lives! And … gee! This is something! A huge responsibility (Am I good enough? Will I disappoint them?), but a great blessing!

Even if I only noticed that this blog means something to my readers maybe … yesterday, I’ve always put my best feelings on my writings. That’s me, I am very loving. And it works! mini_gifs23 People understand this language. Multi Maiden means something on internet not because I’m a brilliant writer or a clever mercenary (I don’t make money with this blog, if you want to know), but because my loving language reaches people. I don’t care about how many readers do I have, I avoid to check this information and fill up my blog with counters. You are not cattle, my dear readers, you are people, so, feel free to visit this blog whenever you want! If it makes you feel better, smile or think, that’s what matters to me! I’ll keep writing about everything and anything and, yes, my city and country will always be mentioned somehow! I will do my best to save some hours to be here, with you. This is a very personal post, but I had no choice. You deserved some explanation. And, if it happens to you, I mean, if you fear to start or keep doing something, don’t think about the thing itself. Think about what does it mean to people around you. If someone feels better because you do something, keep doing it!

Before I start to cry right here (writers are cold people, I hate to get sensitive! … Nhé-nhé), I wanna say I’m sorry for this absence, even if I know that everything happens for a reason! Sorry, folks! And I want to say thank you to the person who convinced me to write on this blog again. I won’t give details about it, but we both know what happened yesterday and I want to say that it was the cutest request I’ve ever read! Thank you! teddybear1 
Thank you all! I read more requests. My friends were especially lovely! mini_gifs165 Ok, I’m back. Hope to entertain you in a decent and funny way, from now on! So, get back to Multi Maiden, my dear reader! Let’s have some fun together! mini_gifs15Stay tuned! And don’t be afraid to make people happy! mini_gifs13

P.S.: This song, by a Brazilian heavy metal band called Angra, is about rebirth. Beautiful lyrics, beautiful song! I think it fits perfectly to this moment! Enjoymini_gifs130